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Great way to view with binos.


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Hi All,

I've been on SGL for a while and recently got my first proper telescope. But before that I used binos for quite a while.

For ages I would stand in the garden holding bins. Ok for horizon based objects but the clearest seeing was in the overhead and I always ended up with a stiff neck and very cold from standing up.

Then the wife got a free standing steel framed hammock for the garden. Perfect. You can lie down and view the zenith without neck ache or using a tripod.

I also bought a Selk suit (Google it) to keep me warm. In fact, our whole family have Selks now, amazing kit, really warm and fun.

Easily view with binos for hours. Still my favorite way to observe.



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They are very warm.

If you are off the ground they will easily keep you warmer than anything else short of a 4* season sleeping bag.

As I said our whole family have them now and we use them when camping etc. I like them for this as I move a lot in my sleep and always get tangled in normal sleeping bags.

Our eldest lad actually slept in his on the beach on the Gower last year in September without a tent ;)



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I use a reclining chair as well. If it is really cold, getting out my ski-suit works wonders.

I quite often wear a pair of salopettes and a ski jacket, too. Very warm and loads of pockets. Just what you need :eek:


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Thanks for the Selk Suit tip they really look the business!! - I have found "Craghoppers Winter Walking Trousers" and a Jack Murphy Fleece Jacket a more flexible alternative!! I can at least go walking or shopping in them without appearing conspicuous!!

Craghoppers Men's Kiwi Winter Lined Trousers (Regular) | GO Outdoors

J C Country Mens Classic Collection

I am also blessed with a wonderful wife who, on cold nights, brings me out a hot chocolate laced with Rum - or sometimes Brandy - just to make sure I have something to keep me warm inside!! - the requirement is that I bring to her attention any interesting heavenly bodies!!

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I use the kids trampoline to view the Zenith from, really comfortable lying down.

Of course the neighbours probably think I'm raving bonkers but the men in white coats haven't arrived to take me away...........yet.

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