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Simple SGL signature search tool

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I often see the question as to how many SGL members own a particular model of scope.

They then get perhaps a dozen or so replies.

Presumably they are wanting to follow the herd and buy into gear that has a proven track record.

I often wonder the same. I am tempted by the SX H18 but not many people seem to mention it. How many people have one?

So I have whipped up a lunchtime web page, http://www.focaldepth.co.uk/astronomy/sglsig/sglsig.php which allows you to

count the occurrences of a string in members signatures.

The main problem is that there are many ways of spelling a scope name.

My Skywatcher Equinox ED80 APO PRO could be spelt:

SW Equinox 80


ED 80mm pro

Equi ED80


And so on.

Also many members do not list their equipment in their signature. (Me for instance, not yet anyway)

But at least it can give you a feel as to the approximate relative number of each device.

If you like the page, use it. If not just ignore it.

Bug reports and suggestion welcome. I will however limit future development to about a lunchtime per month!


If this page upsets SGL or violates T&C let me know and I will decease.

Also note that my scraping of the info is done very gently with wget. I hope I have not triggered any DOS attack alarms.

I am sure your nginx can take a tiny little extra load.

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This is really interesting, any way of seeing the results? (it would be good to know who the other 8 other members of the Borg collective are)

skywatcher was found 773 times in SGL members' signatures


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Some other interesting ones...

EQ6 was found 196 times in SGL members' signatures
HEQ5 was found 136 times in SGL members' signatures
EQ5 was found 255 times in SGL members' signatures
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