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APT - Do I need ASCOM to use it?


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Just having a daylight play and thought I'd see what all the fuss is about with APT - At the moment I am not using ASCOM and use Stellarium via the serial connector. Will all this still work with APT?

I don't want to have to use ASCOM at the moment as the site I saw didn't have the download stuff for the HEQ5 and it all seemed VERY complicated.

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If its only the camera control parts your using .. then no... if you want mount/phd integration then yes...

So for dithering in PHD I'd need ASCOM, right? If I am using it just to control the camera, what benefits will I see over the EOS Utility programme?

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You can create complex exposure plans with varying exposure lenghts, changes to ISO settings etc, FWHM focus assist... amongst others...

I havent bothered using it for ages thought so I am well out of date.. these days I just use a programable timer remote and capture to the camera...

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Hey Sara,

For just camera use it is still a great tool over the EOS Utility.

Main thing I use it for is capture from my Canon 7D. I can control mirror lockup from the laptop, initial focusing using live view (or quick shots for camera without live view) etc. but the biggest thing is you can setup "plans", i.e. a script of images you want, e.g. 30 frames of 60s at ISO400 with a 2s anti-vibration pause between shots for mirror lockup, takes RAWs and Large JPEGs etc.

I think it is a great tool just for capture. When you add in the fact it has a focusing aid, can also control a mount plus guide (if you want it in the future) etc. its well worth the few quid it costs.

The free version does most of what you need anyway, i.e. camera control.

Give it a go, you have nothing to loose. :)



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I use APT pretty much every time I want to remote the Camera. I also have DSLR Remote Pro, DSLR Shutter and AstroJan programmes on the laptop but APT get the most use followed by AstroJan, which is a very similar programme to APT

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I have to say, APT is a joy to use after struggling with a Nikon for so long! So thanks, Ivo. I also hadn't realised Yoddha = APT :D

I use EQASCOM too, but that is separate and unrelated to APT.

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