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Any good ? or Waste of time & money ?

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Only had my 'scope 10 days...so i'm still amazed every night viewing everything & trying to get my head around the vastness & variety of it all....but... 'she who must be obeyed' wants to start using a webcam on her 'scope....she saw this on e-bay...

APO Barlowlens, Barlow Lens 5x, 1,25", TSB51 | eBay UK

Is it any use with a webcam ?

if not...can we use it with an F5 newt or F4.9 Dob ? for visual use:icon_scratch:

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I use a 5x barlow for webcamming with my 1200mm FL newtonian, but I wouldn't even attempt visual observing with it. The magnification is simply too much. A 3x would be more useful and versatile. Don't know about the quality of that particular model. I always go for TeleVues. You can't really go wrong with them.

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i used a homemade 5x with the neximage webcam, i warn you its hard to get the object in view at such mags!! lol. basically a webcam acts as a 5mm ep. so if your magnifying it by 5, then its gonna act liek a 1mm ep, therefore your focal length will be your magnification. eg, 650mm FL with a 1mm ep = 650x. definately too much for viewing on most scopes, and tbh it is pushing it abit with the webcam. depends what scope you got tho.

maybe buy a 2x and a 3x separately, and if you want 5x, just use both together!!

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Wouldn't a 2x and a 3x make a 6x?

i did wonder this myself, but could nto find any answers on the net!! i used a 2x with a 3x and assumed it was 5x, but i dont know!!


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i did wonder this myself, but could nto find any answers on the net!! i used a 2x with a 3x and assumed it was 5x, but i dont know!!


2x plus 3x makes a 6x. And not very sharp

A much better bet is to use a 3x Balow (preferably Televue!) plus an extension tube made from an old barlow with the lens removed. That will take the magnification up to about 5x, or you can use it without the extension for standard 3x use.

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Wouldn't stacking barlows, then adding a webcam etc... lead to balance and stability issues???

Just curious ;)

ive no idea to be honest :)

however, i got this pic of saturn with an astromaster 130 eq ,a 2x and a 3x stacked, and the neximage. processed with registax, total vid time around 20 seconds i guess (the time it took to cross my fov, it was unguided). even tho the mag was pushed to just above 650x, its still my best image session of saturn yet. have a look - by no means brilliant but im pleased with it!


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Suffering from lack of sleep here...& maybe losing the plot a bit...

Is a 5x powermate the same as a 5x barlow ?

no ;)

a barlow is a 2-lens achromatic design (from the early 1800's :)) whereas a powermate is a 3-element apochromatic design, designed to reduce chromatic aberation. modern flat-fields have even more elements to correct for a range of other arberations, as others have said get a televue if you can afford it, and they are heavy, sometimes moreso that a small telescope!

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