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Observatory Build Underway


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Looks spot on.

Can we see close ups please? :)

Oh, and wood from the big sheds...yup. It's always warped and a mess. If I'm buying from B&Q I split packs until I'm happy. But my local fence supplier is the same...warped and badly cut :)

Got to be selective and a pain to the merchant. Nothing worse than wasted timber.

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OK - I've run out of screws (200 :) ) so I've stopped for today. Been slow going mainly due to the heat (almost hit 24c today !) and the fact that I'm as red as a lobster !
Been hot here too, about a degree less than you. Have had to have lots of breaks to cool off!
So far I've built 4 panels of stud work... and it's all level and square !!!
Looking good - nice progress :)
Oh and Gina (or anyone else looking for timber), I would think twice about ordering from Wickes... a fair few of the lengths I had delivered are twisted, and a couple bowed like a banana - It's made for selective choice of which lengths to use for the long uprights.
Hmm, I see. That's not so good :hello2: I'm investigating a sawmills and timber merchant about 6 or 7 miles down the back lanes from here. Sent them an email. If I don't hear in the next day or two I'll probably pop over and see them. We have dealt with them in the past.
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What would you like closeup of ???

Maybe the stud joints?

It looks like you've used stud plates instead of just nails. I'm a fan of these so would like a neb :) Edit: or is that just shadows :)

Not if it's any hassle though :hello2:

Edited by astroimpulse
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All studding (apart from one small section of noggins ) have been drilled and screwed together. Everything has been cut to length on a sliding compound miter saw, then drilled and then screwed together using 70mm dry lining screws. The sections joints are additionally secured with 70mm x 10mm coach bolts. Once all sections are bolted together it should be very secure.

I can take some close ups in the morning if required.

Gina, yes I too took plenty of rest breaks, drank gallons and had the occasional shower from a hose pipe just to keep cool. - and tomorrow is expected to be hotter !!!

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Did you get the plywood from Wickes, Malcolm, and was that alright? Look like I won't be buying sawn timber from Wickes. If I can source the timber locally it'll be more convenient in the sense that I won't need to make sure I get everything in one go to use just one delivery charge from Wickes. Unless absolutely every detail is carefully designed, you can't be sure you've covered everything, and I've had enough of designing! :)

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Gina, The joists and 18mm sheet ply came from Lawsons, and I can't fault the quality. The ply was £26.05 plus VAT per sheet. They do 47mm x 75mm carcassing at 94p plus VAT per meter, which I think is the size TJ used looking at his build photographs.

Don't get me wrong, the studwork from Wickes is still usable (mostly) but for the vertical runners I've had to be selective, and more so for the top rails as that is where the tracking will sit. But at just over £2 for a 2.4m length it's cheap, and when you are buying 100 lengths it all adds up

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Sorry I'm a little late with my suggestion Malcolm :). I have a similar UPVC pipe pier in my obsy and if I could do it all over again I would have added 3 triangle supports to the base of the pier. Similar to the supports added to the steel piers Astro Engineering AC421 observatory pier for wedge mounted Meade and Celestron SCT As the pipe is solid in the ground they would only be needed approx half way up the pipe and could be made of any sturdy material of triangular design. Sorry again for being a bit behind with my suggestion as I see you have made good progress but if it is possible for you to still do I would highly recommend you at least consider the idea.


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Gina, The joists and 18mm sheet ply came from Lawsons, and I can't fault the quality. The ply was £26.05 plus VAT per sheet. They do 47mm x 75mm carcassing at 94p plus VAT per meter, which I think is the size TJ used looking at his build photographs.
Ah I see. I checked them out and they only deliver inside the M25. As I said I'm seeing what a firm near here can offer.
Don't get me wrong, the studwork from Wickes is still usable (mostly) but for the vertical runners I've had to be selective, and more so for the top rails as that is where the tracking will sit. But at just over £2 for a 2.4m length it's cheap, and when you are buying 100 lengths it all adds up
Right. Thanks, I'll bear that in mind. The uprights for the obsy base will only be 1220mm (4ft) so less critical than yours. The warm room ones 6 and 7ft. I shall be doing a lot of cutting so I think the Wickes "rubbish" might well be alright, as you say. I'm not going to be too hasty in ordering, however much I crave to get on with the carpentry :)

BTW, I was wondering how you did the corners. I was thinking of using square corner pieces to bolt the frames to. eg. 75mm fence posts.

Edited by Gina
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BTW, I was wondering how you did the corners. I was thinking of using square corner pieces to bolt the frames to. eg. 75mm fence posts.

Excuse the rather rough low quality sketch, but this shows two ways to handle corners.

This doesnt preclude your idea, I dont know how 75mm fence posts compare in price to the price you'd pay for timber for studs. Just bear in mind if you decide to do this, you need to decide how you will tie the post down to the base to avoid any weak areas.


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Boy it's been hot today 25c in the shade ! - my neck feels like you could fry an egg on it!

Got two more partitions done today, but with the heat it was slow going, and I took a break to go and collect the pier head / telescope mount from a local fabricator. I'm really pleased with the way it's turning out... just can decide if I should leave it all nice and shiny or have it anodized and if so which colour (I luv purple :) )

I've used the sun at mid-day (well 1:04pm BST) to mark the tube for North, and still have to concrete in the lengths of threaded rod for the base plate.... but couldn't resist a test fit :)



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Gina if your going to do this either make sure they are treated or sat on a DPC of somesort. The last thing you want is for your corner posts to rot!
I was thinking of fence posts. I can get them locally from Homebase and they guarantee them for 15 years of outside use. I shall be using DPC as well - between the concrete blocks and woodwork. In fact, Homebase are less than a pound dearer than Wickes and I can pick what I want. I looked at some a while back and they were pretty straight. 3" (75mm) square fence posts at the corners should make a good strong job. Edited by Gina
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Great job so far Malcolm. Bet you will be having a few days rest if your neck feels like it's going to melt off due to the sun burn.

Might take a break from it on Sunday... been doing this 6 out of the past 7 days, and they tend to be long days too... thing is the sky is looking so blue at the moment I would like to get some observing in... but with the garden like a building site I'll end up tripping over something in the dark and drop something valuable or with a leg in plaster if I got the scope out !!!

I might simply grab a beer (or three) and sit back on a chair and watch the stars go round :)

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That looks beautiful!

Nice in-it :) - Not bad for £85... plus I helped a mate out and he gave me £30 so it ended up costing me £55 :) I know a guy who runs his on anodizing and metal finishing business... just might drop in on him with a few beers and see what he comes up with :hello2:

Edited by malc-c
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I find I'm too tired to take advantage of the clear nights after a hard day's "work". I have had a day off today having had a bit too much sun yesterday and tired myself out. Not as young as I was :)

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