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The Comedy of Autoguiding


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Install ASCOM platform 5b

When you select mount you are prompted to select a driver, select Celestron, go advanced properties, select Nerxstar 8, enter GPS, com port, etc.

Just one thing Glider - when I select the EQMod Ascom EQ5/6 mount (which I have) it doesn't give me the option to select a driver under properties - just says it's already connected and to press OK? What have I done wrong - is the mount selection?


And Yes I'm running 3.27 and noted on calibration - I'll copy those notes to NotePad now.

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Did you manage to download the autoguiding tutorials?

I was afraid you were going to ask that :)

Yes - but have I read them? Obviously not judging by the way I'm bumbling around my observatory har har!

A student cannot be forgiven for not reading the instructions - I could've lied I suppose but I'm too old.

However - before I do...

I can't see the Celestron driver in the mount list - is there an easy fix for that? See attached. When I hit properties I can see the scopes etc.

I installed the Celestron driver from here:





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LOL, was only interested if you could get to them as a newbie on that forum.

Could be worth rebooting the PC. You might have installed the Celestron driver whilst ASCOM platform was running. Perhaps it didn't register it because of this.

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LOL, was only interested if you could get to them as a newbie on that forum.

Could be worth rebooting the PC. You might have installed the Celestron driver whilst ASCOM platform was running. Perhaps it didn't register it because of this.

I tried re-starting but it still didn't appear?

I wonder if I've installed them correctly - there was an option that I didn't select on install - something like Install scripts?

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You did install the Celestron driver 5.0.23 using the link on the ASCOM website didn't you?

This is totally different to the EQMOD driver for Synta mounts that is showing up.

Sure did Glider - I've now managed to get it to show up.

I've uninstalled the other scope drivers > uninstalled Celestron drivers > re-installed Celestron drivers

I started PhD > selected the Celestron driver > NexStar 8 etc > and Com4 > it failed saying scope does not support pulse guiding?

And so I selected Synta Skywatcher mount from the list and got it to work (in the simulator) without it being in PC Direct mode, which is nice.

I'll test it like this and see what happens. It's currently chundering away with corrections to the West.


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it works

N, S, E, W

all of it

it works

i can't say more now

too emotional.....


Glider, Earl, Peter, Grant, Olly, Kim and Rosco - Thanks doods, you're invitations are in the post along with the rota for the fourth plinth - parade kicks off at 9am Friday sharp in New York...just kidding - London...LOL

For any owners of the EQ-5 pro - the final antidote for this particular strain of WSS was as follows:


EQ-5 Synscan Pro v3.27

QHY6 guide cam

Basic USB/Serial converter cable from the pc to the hand controller.

PhD settings

Camera: Ascom 5 > QHY6

Mount: Celestron drivers > Synta Skywatcher Mounts > (at bottom of list)


I had 3' of RA and 1' of Dec backlash compensation dialled into the handset setting. This was right for my set up - yours will be different but it demonstrates that it is needed I think - I can hear the motor apply it when it changes direction in each axis.

I had to uninstall all other ascom drivers and then install the Celestron drivers.

Do not use PC Direct mode on Synscan handset

Ensure you're selecting the right Com port > check device manager for the number.

Thanks again guys


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Quick suggestion...

I have NEQ6 working with an Orion Starshoot Autoguide camera and get good results with ST4 and with EQMod.

I do have a USB hub at the mount and it is powered! I think that might be your problem as a guide camera will eat up some power.

Guiding as we speak :)


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Thanks for this - the problem is that the camera is the thing that needs the belking connection - I don't have any way of connecting the pc to the camera without it.

Unless I'm missing the point - sorry, don't know what Easecap is ? Does it convert the camera port in some way?


Hi David

The camera must work through a capture device between your camera and the computer. The "Easycap" and many others capture the image from the guide camera for programs such as PHD to use. The guide camera capture is separate from your imaging camera.

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Hi David,

Good to hear you've at least got some form of PC control working. Should you ever reach the stage where you decide to pursue the EQMOD route further (which will give you far more mount control functionality/options than the sysncan and celestron drivers can offer) then I'm sure we can get you up and running - it is after all a well proven route successfully used by many folks.


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....and a final word of hilarity on my efforts to guide in auto mode...

Having got it working I went out to do some imaging only to find there were only two wheels on my wagon!

....usb ports that is...AARRRGGGHHH!

Totally forgot about the extra cable required now for the handset.

Just ordered a powered usb hub which from what I understand may cause more hours of comedy!


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....and a final word of hilarity on my efforts to guide in auto mode...

Having got it working I went out to do some imaging only to find there were only two wheels on my wagon!

....usb ports that is...AARRRGGGHHH!

Totally forgot about the extra cable required now for the handset.

Just ordered a powered usb hub which from what I understand may cause more hours of comedy!


I personally recommend you don't put any imaging devices through the hub but other less mission critical should be fine.

now lots of people will say they have no problems using Hubs but id still plug the camera direct into the PC

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I personally recommend you don't put any imaging devices through the hub but other less mission critical should be fine.

now lots of people will say they have no problems using Hubs but id still plug the camera direct into the PC

Don't I just wish I could Earl :D Of course this sitcom demands I only have one usb 2.0 on the laptop har har!

We'll see how it goes.


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I received the powered usb hub I required to hook everything up to my laptop and got it guiding at 2230 (after a lot of port searching!)

I'm now watching the action from my office in the house using Team Viewer and running a series of subs on M51 (a favourite :-)

Some things are cropping up! The camera battery is suddenly nearly flat (on the dslr) and that inbalance I noticed in declination on the mount (I haven't got the scopes configured right on the plate I made) is causing a lot of correction in N/S and it's losing the battle har har!

However, the shots I have taken are an improvement on before! Fantastic. Just going to do one more at 7min. to compare to one I knew was the same length before guiding to see what happens.

I guess the best thing is it all appears to be working now - I can return to concentrating on some imaging now the nights are getting shorter - as if on cue! :) Thanks again doods.


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Thanks again for the help and advice. Anyone struggling with an EQ-5 mount and auto guiding is welcome to drop me a line.

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Try another Serial / USB convertor for connecting the mount. Some convertors are fickle little blighters........


No need Gary - everything's working now but thanks

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