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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. It looks to me that the change in arc sec guiding is just due to the longer focal length. The optical "leaver"to any error is over twice as long. Regards Andrew
  2. Only foŕ outreach events. All pro-astronomy is done with electronic detectors. The eye brain system is too easily fooled. Regards Andrew
  3. An extremely colourful field very well executed. Regards Andrew
  4. If you had ever tried to use a 3mm Ramsden eyepiece you would know. In general the more you need to bend the light (short absolute focal length) the greater the aberrations. To avoid these you need more complex optics. Telescope objectives are trivial to design compared to eyepieces. Regards Andrew
  5. @Dave Smith I use CCDAutopilot to run my sessions in Castillejar. 10 mins max to set up. Even if the roof does not open it can run safely all night as the roof clear the telescope wherever it's pointing. Can you automate your dome? Regards Andrew
  6. I have no idea what the ear brain system actually does. It's not an area of research I have kept up with. What is the current view? The point I was making was that the accuracy relation/uncertainty principle between frequency and wavelength on the one hand and distance and momentum on the other is ilinked via the Fourier transform. Regards Andrew PS I was not aware about the greenhouse effect and Fourier's contribution. Thanks for that.
  7. It's all down to Uncle Fed Fourier and his transformation. Both QED and acoustics are field/wave theories and the same extensive mathematics applies. Regards Andrew
  8. I am fully in favour of lazy astronomy. Regards Andrew
  9. @JOC I found it got better and better as it went along. Don't give up yet. Regards Andrew
  10. All too true. I do recall James T in a nebula fighting a foe who was thinking two dimensionally so he outwitted him by sinking below and behind him. Regards Andrew
  11. That was in Febuary, since then it has not been very good with March largely clouded out! Regards Andrew
  12. One thing still puzzles me not only in Star Trek is why is it that the artificial gravity rarely if ever fails? The ship can be falling to pieces, all power gone but artificial gravity remains. I do recall two episodes across the Star Trek franchise when it failed. Regards Andrew I realise that it's much simpler to film with gravity on but.......
  13. Very enjoyable. All set with a new crew and a rejuvenated Picard to boldly go... Regards Andrew Smith
  14. Strangely, I am struggling to imagine you in fully lycra Jeremy. Could you post a picture? Regards Andrew
  15. @Dave Smith happens to all of us. I get exactly the same issue when monitoring flare stars all night. If you did not see the variation in the comparison stars I could easily conclude I had lots of small flares! Regards Andrew
  16. Fabulous gesture Jeremy. Well done the BAA. Regards Andrew
  17. No, but it will hold your pants up without ribbons. Regards Andrew
  18. Well if you can see the whole universe in a grain of sand why not a black hole in a drop of dew. Regards Andrew
  19. Just confirms my view that you refractor boys are stuck in the 18th century. Real telescopes don't look like that any more. The only difference is you use electricity to move your telescopes rather than your man servant . 😜 Regards Andrew
  20. Are you the invisible man as you don't seem to be on the seat!😉 Regards Andrew
  21. Tut tut, leaving out in the hot sun. I know, just showing off how quickly it will cool. Regards Andrew
  22. I rather like the colour contrast. Regards Andrew
  23. Great report and pictures @JeremyS I suspect you will be grounded for a while now. Regards Andrew
  24. I had one, after years of lusting. Only real issue was the crude worm block attachment/adjustment. Hope your rebuild goes well. Regards Andrew
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