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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. Do they do a light weight one which will take a typical photographic pan head? It would look good in the conservatory with the Kowa 553 which just happens to match the paint. What am I saying I have become infected by this thread. Regards Andrew PS it was a serious question.
  2. Steady boys and @Stu your a moderator. Regards Andrew
  3. Oh my, now waxing the legs. You will be sending them to the beautician next to polish their nails. That's it I promise. Regards Andrew
  4. Arrrgh not perfume as well. Give me strength. Regards Andrew
  5. Enough, with the bad jokes yew should all know better than to larch about in such serious times. The message is getting lost as I can't see the wood for the trees. Regards Andrew
  6. Hang on, what's all this. Since when was SGL a life style forum? Shades of wood stain, matching the house decor, shades of Tak paint. I could go on, I know times are hard, but bring back car engine block mounts, telescope tubes knocked up by the itinerant tinker. Why have the standards slipped? Only joking (honest) it is good to see folks take pride in their kit. Well done. Regards 7
  7. That's unbelievable, such artistry. I have know idea how you can do that. Regards Andrew
  8. Great illustration. Regards Andrew
  9. @vineyard the images should have a time stamp and a planetarium program will tell you when it transits. Regards Andrew
  10. Was a meridian flip involved? It's the only thing I can think of. Regards Andrew
  11. @Dave Smith I certainly did attend and gave a talk. Can't seem to find the photo but sounds about right. Can you post or point me to a copy? Thanks for the explanation. Regards Andrew
  12. Are you after some record ir another? Great work. Interesting lumps and bumps do you know why? Not an area I have looked into. Regards Andrew
  13. Your on a run Dave, well done. Regards Andrew
  14. Only two more visual Taks to go to complete that set as well. Are you sure you still have two functioning kidneys? Regards Andrew
  15. Surely a Tak is worth a kilogram or two of flesh, or so the afficinardos tell me. Regards Andrew
  16. @Tiago given the above feel free to choose what ever you fancy. The only conclusion I can draw from the replies is that observers are all different and what suits one may not suit another. Regards Andrew
  17. I think you can get tablets for this obsessive Tak worship. Maybe it will be a religion on the next population censous. Regards Andrew
  18. Perfect, but have you opened negotiations for the 130 or 150 yet? Seriously, I will be keeping an eye out in the local charity shops when they reopen just in case. 🤫 Regards Andrew
  19. Sorry if I was unclear. What I had in mind was that if there were a mechanical error or limitation determining the accuracy of the guiding if would result in an arc second error proportional to the focal length of the telescope where the arc second was expressed. Probably an irrelevant speculation. Regards Andrew
  20. I would have thought you would have had them mounted on the walls of your baronial hall. Regards Andrew
  21. ...and conductive having frozen my eye to them on more than one occasion. That's one reason I gave up visual along with a love of creature comforts and poor eye sight. Regards Andrew
  22. My first eyepieces had RAS threads so maybe these should be included. Regards Andrew
  23. It's difficult to remember how many digets ones has on one hand as you get older Regards Andrew
  24. So how many Taks do you have now? Group photo? Regards Andrew
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