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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. Uses "Newt for the Web" Google will find it. You can put in your dimensions and it will tell you what results you will get. Field of view, vignetting etc. Regards Andrew
  2. Very peaceful. Regards Andrew
  3. Very interesting and fine capture. Regards Andrew
  4. To avoid getting banned for hijacking this thread I place my last two (who are you kidding) cards on the table. The Arcturus has the spectra of , surprise surprise, Arcturus and the Sun over 300 hundred pages and the Multiplet tables has 96 pages of spectral lines and their transitions and needs a magnifying glass to read. Regards Andrew
  5. Strangely not, but I raise you a Catalogue of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binary systems and Tables of spectral ines of neutral and ionised atoms. No pictures and not good reads. Regards Andrew. PS I have trump in reserve if needed
  6. While not something I have owned, when I was a teenager I managed a personal tour of the Cambridge observatory. In addition to seeing my first glimpse of Sky and Telescope (not easily available in the UK then) the map room was full of wonderous atlases and around the walls stacks of a complete set of contact prints form the original Schmidt DSS. I was one lucky lad. Regards Andrew
  7. Not forgetting this. I can't resist a picture book. That it I am almost sure. Regards Andrew
  8. That reminds me I also have this. It has 600 galaxies The plates and filters used were intended to give a uniform common representation of their colours. Again beauty on every page. Regards Andrew
  9. I have it too and used to dream of building a Schmidt camera. I still think the black and white images stand up well to the modern colour images. Regards Andrew
  10. Here are my Smithsonian Star Atlas and C Papadopoulos 3 volume Photographic Star Atlas. Both much used before Planetarium software and plate solving, not that the 3rd volume Sothern Skies got used at all. Regards Andrew
  11. If I were Joseph von Fraunhofer I would ge after the lot of them. Regards Andrew
  12. The effective focal length depende very sensitively on the mirror separation and distancee between the secondary and the focal plane. These are linked quantities. Regards Andrew
  13. Sorry I don't know but it reminded me of a similar phenomenon. If I look at my watch it always seems to take longer for the second hand to move the first time than subsequent ones. Regards Andrew
  14. Spotting scopes ok no binoculars. Regards Andrew
  15. Ok so once lock down is over how many simultaneous visual observers could you accomodate using you kit. Minimum requirement is a fuctioning telescope and mount. Any astro capable telescope any class of mount (no hedges or railings). Winner gets a to be announced prize. Me currently zero. Over to you. Regards Andrew
  16. No amount of dressing up would make me normal. I live my padded shorts. Regards Andrew
  17. Having spent a small fortune building a light weight carbon fibre mountain bike I am not going to add a rack however stylish the tripod. I know lycra is not my best look so will consider the jacket Had a double take on the third item and had to look up what it was. Kowa 553 on it's way! Tripod pending. Regards Andrew
  18. Thanks @JeremyS. That walnut report 823 looks just the job. Shame I would have to swap out all the rosewood furniture. Stop it don't give SWMBO any ideas she has enough of her own. Regards Andrew
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