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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. If you make the exit pupi too small on a bright object you can see shadows of structures in your eye. This probably what P Lovell did when "seeing" linear features on Mars . Regards Andrew
  2. Another purchase @JeremyS? If only you had enough eyes for all you scopes and eyepieces! Regards Andrew
  3. Not an expert or ever mildly qualified in this area but how can you align on some stars but not others? Is it because there there are distortions between frames? In which case you need to reject the poor ones. Regards Andrew
  4. That is a pity. I have had instances where it has turned out that the issue was my OS set up and others where it was the application. It is very difficult to fault fihd these issues unless you are an expert in the OS. The most frustrating one I had was with The Sky X hanging on image download when a new window needed to be opened. This was experienced by other on rare occasions. Years went by until an obscure interaction between a printer driver and TSX was uncovered. I hope you find the issue rather than giving up. Regards Andrew .
  5. That is very common it gives just gives a pulse per revolution. Regards Andrew
  6. You have to now where the motor is in its rotation. This could be an encoder or just a single position sensor. The information from these has to go to the software controlling the mount. Regards Andrew
  7. The tripod legs look a bit off as well. Regards Andrew
  8. Luck lad. Yes but you might damage a few plants when you use it. Regards Andrew
  9. Put in a blank so you can do darks without covering the telescopes. Regards Andrew As tooth_Dr proposed.
  10. No but not really used it much. Email Leonardo as the forum is not the formal support model. Regards Andrew
  11. You can get a good feel for it with the simulators in the shy x for me but ascom have similar. In fact I trail dragscripts first on my home machine before transferring to the obs. Regards Andrew
  12. Perfectly possible, but it will require more back focus and hence a larger secondary mirror. Why not place you imaging train such that it points in towards the mount. This minimises its effects. Regards Andrew
  13. You are mistaken the larger diameter of the pan equates to larger aperture. What equates to larger field of view would be the angle over which you can collect rain. Consider pans of different height but the same diameter. A shallow pan can collect rain coming in at at shallow angles as well as directly down. A tall pan mostly directly down. Regards Andrew.
  14. Managed to get any snaps through the cloud yet @Grant ? Regards Andrew
  15. Perhaps, what you are missing is that the telescope mirror focuses all the light onto a small area while your flat mirror does not. If you look down you eyepiece from say, 15cm behind it, at the well illuminated mirror you will see on "image" of the mirror much reduced in size. All the light from the mirror is now in that tiny spot. The ratio of the mirror diameter to the spot size gives you the magnification of the telescope/eyepiece combination. Regards Andrew
  16. Started with Python controlling The Sky X, then CCDAuto Pilot (not on list). Now use Voyager , robust, links to weather system. Has flexibility I need fo non imaging. Basically, I have used what was needed for the task. Regards Andrew
  17. Nor I. Similarly, rotator angle is not shown or as far as I can see be set in a sequence. One reason I don't use sequences. However, I can see them in The Sky X Regards Andrew
  18. I recently bought Voyager for running my rig in Castillejar. I have been using CCDAuto Pilot but that does not have full integration with the weather system. It lack the full "suspend resume and exit " actions in Voyager. So far I have just run simulations but I intend to try it for real in the next few days. I have implemented all actions via DragScript as I have an unusual protocol compared to normal imaging. Voyager allows me to wait until Astronomical Twilight ends and the target is above a certain altitude. It the slews to a comparison star takes 9 v filter images and 9 SA200 spectra. The off to the target for 9 v filter images and it then continues to take SA200 spectra until Astronomical Twilight begins and or the target goes below a given altitude. The advantages over CCDAuto Piolt it will suspend on weather events and resume if the weather improves but also it does not need updating for different dates. I am impressed so far. Regards Andrew
  19. Close to zero dec. My mistake. If you are close to the meridian at zero dec then flip ra axis move only 180 degrees the star should be in the frame offset by the cone error. Regards Andrew
  20. Use a star near the meridian not Polaris. Regards Andrew
  21. Yes that where the brighter image cones from it captures move photons. In low light it's your rods (black and white) that work the cones (colour) need much more light to work. Regards Andrew
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