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andrew s

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Everything posted by andrew s

  1. Yes not the best, long trip to pick it up, somewhat tired. Regards Andrew
  2. Here she is looking immaculate. First light will need FLO to deliver the mount. But, for now I will sit and drool over her. Regards Andrew
  3. She loves boxes. She even gets in the Ali Baba basket but manages to leave the lid on upside down. Regards Andrew
  4. Pity, it just worked for me and runs my rig each night, stopping and staring with the weather/roof and the rising and setting of the targets . Meridian flips, precise pointing, filters, rotator etc.all work as documented. What will you use instead? Regards Andrew
  5. I have my telescope there. It's at 850m in a remote region with, I would say, rolling hills but not a mountain. Regards Andrew
  6. Nooooo, I hated arithmetic love maths. (68 yrs going on 6 yrs mental age) Regards Andrew
  7. When measuring for DIY if it's small I use mm but large ft/ in. No idea why . Regards Andrew
  8. I prefer natural units c = h bar = 1 etc. Not much good for cooking though. Regards Andrew
  9. I do wonder if the light shield will stop sky flooding looks a bit small to me but maybe there are baffles in the focuser tube? Regards Andrew
  10. It always amuses me that the land of the free use Imperial units. Free choice? Regards Andrew
  11. I have no problem with do as you find best but just beaware that you can get to the point where what you are seeing are defects or structure in your eye. There is a famous example of this in respect of Mars. Regards Andrew
  12. Nice work. One concern I would have is the slope of the roof means any water on it could enter the observatory on opening or closing. Could you reverse it and or add a gutter? Regards Andrew
  13. Getting large flawless banks is difficult and hence expensive. Fabrication is very different to design. Regards Andrew
  14. Yes indeed compared to an eyepiece objective design is trivial. Regards Andrew
  15. You have obviously know Godels theorem at least in part. Regards Andrew
  16. Yes but at 1/10 th the price. Regards Andrew
  17. Such harmony. If you want a stretch as we exit lockdown try: Godel Ecsher Bach an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter Regards Andrew
  18. Looks like a filter wheel on steroids. It's a lot of weight to move about. It would be nice to have fixed ports with a rotating pick off mirror. Regards Andrew
  19. @saac in the Physics Forums link George referenced a book which he recommended. I would trust his judgement but I have not read it. Regards Andrew
  20. And one peculiar point I see, As one of many ones to me, As truth is gathered, I rearrange, Inside out outside in, inside out, out side in Perpetual change Jon Anderson & Chris Squire I shall be singing that to myself all day now. Oh Yes I will. On the PS yes. Regards Andrew
  21. At least to me "Primeval Atom" gives the impression that there is an external, extrinsic view. An outside vantage point where you could observe it from and watch it unfold. Regards Andrew
  22. You shall have a guider in a little holder You shall have a guider when the boat comes in Apologies to Alex Glasgow. Regards Andrew
  23. I don't have any better word that would be memorable and not misleading. Maybe @ollypenrice, @saac or @Macavity has a better term. Regards Andrew
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