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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I only use the extension piece on two of my six Morpheus eyepieces. The 4.5mm and the 6.5mm. I find all the others to be just fine and comfortable the way they are.
  2. A great report Dave and has given me some pointers for my future reports. I think we both found the transparency good whilst viewing the planets. Fingers crossed for tonight and I’ll set up my 8” dobsonian for a go at some DSO’s while I try my 127 Mak out on the planets. ATB Ian
  3. I set up a good hour and a half before darkness to ensure that the scope reached equilibrium temperature. I kicked off the night by quick focus check on the rapidly sinking moon. I then moved up to Albireo and finely tuned my focus on the double. The colors were easily discernible with the bright yellow and blue a pleasure to observe at 79x with a 9mm Morpheus. I then went to Saturn which was its usual amazing self and really clean and clear (seeing good). I started with the 9mm Morpheus again at 79x, then the 6.5mm (109x) and the 4.5mm (158x). The Cassini division was clearly defined and the planetary banding was also sharp. I decided to test my new Vixen 2x barlow with the 6.5 Morpheus giving me 218x. I am delighted with this eBay acquisition as it’s tack sharp and bright. I must have spent a full 30 minutes on Saturn before Jupiter was nosing high enough to observe. I went through the same sequence of Morpheus eyepieces and Vixen barlow while observing Jupiter. The seeing appeared to be getting even better as the night progressed. The equatorial bands were all visible and when the atmosphere plays along with you the views are fantastic. I was again another 30 minutes on the Jovian giant, before swapping between it and Saturn. I had to drag myself away from the gas giants. I then went to M57 with a UHC filter and after centering it in my FOV I used the 4.5mm Morpheus for 159x. I then caught M81 & M82 with the 14mm & 12.5mm Morpheus and M27 with the 9mm for 79x. I finished my session of with a look at one of my favorite asterisms the coat hanger with a 40mm plossl. Still delightful. I am really impressed by the clarity of the optics on the Starfield 102, I end the night a happy man.
  4. Thanks Jeremy. I have the same type on my Opticron 15x70 and they’re great. My Pentax has simple push on caps which spend more time falling off than staying on. As much as I hate buying from there, needs must! ATB Ian
  5. Thanks Peter, I’ll go ahead and buy a set. How did you find the WO eyepieces that came with the binoviewer?( sorry @MalcolmM for jumping on your thread, last question). I am not overly worried about reaching focus, but the merging the images makes me cringe.
  6. Where did you buy these lens caps from Jeremy? I need a couple for my Pentax 20x60. Thanks Ian
  7. So were you trying a set and sending them back to the Widescreen Centre until you found the correct pair at your third try? Did you discuss this with Elena after the first failed pair? This has put me off buying a binoviewer which was going to be my next purchase 🤔
  8. Mounted the finders on the Starfield. A 9 x 50 RACI and a Baader 30mm RDF. Bring on the night.
  9. Mine is working just as it always has. These green boxes are a sure sign somethings wrong
  10. 👋 Welcome to the Stargazerslounge. A fountain of astro knowledge.
  11. My new Starfield 102 frac arrived safely. I am really impressed by the quality of the telescope build. I hope it hasn’t brought too many clouds with it. Looking forward to first light.
  12. Telescope arrived safely and I am really impressed by the quality of the manufacturing. Will post photos on “ What did the postman bring “
  13. Yes I was looking at the SVbony 102/7 as well as a few others. I have pulled the trigger on the Starfield 102/7 as I really want the FPL53/Lanthanum lenses. I’m looking forward to it’s delivery from FLO.
  14. I have no idea what is behind these two terminals as I have never seen this board before and it’s nigh impossible to ascertain these things from a photo. They have definitely grossly overheated causing the solder to melt and run off. Nothing to lose by re soldering them and checking everywhere else to ensure that no pieces of solder is causing shorts.
  15. I got my perspective back to front. Either way these two terminals need re soldering. The size of the tracking and terminals indicates that they have a load and are not merely switching.
  16. You can clearly see the solder came from the resistor terminals. Predominately the one on the right of your picture. I would personally resolder both these terminals and try it out. If it’s still not working then remove the resistor and check the component with a test meter. If blown or damaged (wrong value showing) then replace it for virtually pennies. Once these steps are taken you know where you stand better.
  17. In the bottom photo next to the letters U1
  18. There’s a large piece of thrown solder which has come off of the resistor R680 (R80) next to the processor. There’s evidence of overheating here and as well as checking the component also check that this hasn’t caused a short between the tracks.
  19. A good quality barlow will result in a negligible amount of light loss , and indeed in my opinion can even improve the image produced by some eyepieces. Regarding upgrading your eyepieces as previously stated the Explore Scientific 82 & 68 degree eyepieces are a great upgrade, although costly. If wanting to save money then the well tried and tested BST Starguiders are a solid choice, particularly the 5 - 8 - 12 - 15mm. What I discovered was that I wished I had bypassed the middle of the road eyepieces, and instead went straight to the better quality ones straight away. I would have saved a lot of money. Good luck with whichever direction you choose to go in, but replace your super 10 ASAP.
  20. Thanks Dave, I’ve been looking on eBay, ABS etc to no avail. That was an interesting read and a bit of a gamble on the 100EDs. Thankfully it all paid off for you. I will have one last survey of the sites tonight, and if no joy I’ll pull the trigger on a new Starfield 102 from FLO. Knowing my luck a Vixen 102EDs will pop up. Oh well what will be, will be. Ian
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