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Everything posted by Astro_by_sona

  1. Thanks! Yes am very happy with the setup so far🤞 you never know in this hobby what will be your next purchase😆. I do have a primary mirror mask 3D printed will use it, and have been hearing a lot about the swimming cap, will get one! I have already invested in a three screws adapter, it holds the imaging train quiet well. Thanks so much for your time, clear skies!
  2. Thanks for your response and the condolences. I love the spikes so that's something I look forward too, my concern was reflection of the primary mirror in the brightness of Vega. I do have a mirror mask made, will try with it. Yes I'm very happy with cem40 ☺️ Cheers! Clear Skies!
  3. Hi fellow 130PDS owners, just got back in the hobby after a personal loss. Star test on Vega, do you think I need a primary mirror clip mask? Appreciate your expert opinions. Clear Skies!
  4. Saturn with Dione & Tethys, all details stated in the image below.
  5. Jupiter with GRS captured from Delhi Skies using 8" Skywatcher Flextube Dobsonian on an EQ platform (one stepper motor) everything else is done manually, ZWO ASI178MC camera, Televue 2.5X Powermate, SvBony UV/IR Filter. Captured in Sharpcap, AVI file Gain 322 Exposure Exposure=4.2830ms, stacked 55% of 13664 frames at 151FPS.
  6. Thanks ! I did use 20 flat frames and 25 dark frames, I wonder about the noise myself, pls advise.
  7. Hi Folks, I'm very new to DSO imaging, and here's one of my very first attempt at M45 using my Skywatcher 130PDS, Nikon D5600(unmodded) iOptron CEM40(G) mount, GSO 2" CC, L-Pro filter. Unguided, 30" exposure with total integration of 1hour 11 minutes only. Processed in DSS, SIRIL & PS 2022. Please help me improve my imaging and any modifications required for the 130PDS. Thanks! Clear Skies!
  8. Thanks @alacant I have ordered a 20mm spacer! Hope it works🤞🏻 now that I own the 130PDS can’t change it for 130P😞 the images shared so help, hopefully it should resolve my issue. clear Skies!
  9. Hi, Thank you for responding. I will try without GSO CC. Here's an image of my setup, the scope does mentions PDS! And the other image is of GSO CC threaded to the Nikon D5000 with a Nikon T-ring, there's a M48 spacer used to attach the CC with the T-ring. I will post the image of the camera attached to the focuser. Skies are completely cloudy, will test this at the first instance. I hope to resolve this soon so that I can commence imaging. Thanks!
  10. Hi All, New user of 130PDS, I have the same issue as above however keen to know the solution while using the Coma Corrector, appreciate if anyone can guide or share a link for a solution. TIA
  11. Hi New user of 130PDS, (mounted on new ioptron cem40)having trouble achieving focus Used Nikon D5000 with GSO Coma Corrector, but despite all the inward travel of the focuser couldn't achieve focus.(image attached) I have seen this great thread and have read that GSO CC works just fine with the 130PDS, hence I bought this scope. Now do I have to do one of the following: 1. Move the primary upwards?(i really don't want to do this ) 2.Buy a new dslr (if yes which one, I want to learn hence don't want to buy a cooled astro cameras for now) 3. Buy another CC, maybe a 0.9 Skywatcher? I will appreciate your guidance. This thread was so compelling that I had to buy 130PDS. TIA
  12. Hi, Here's one from 15th August 2021, a special event when Ganymede and Europa transit Jupiter, while Io goes behind & emerges from the eastern limb, Callisto has completed it's transit much before. A glimpse of that special event captured while all of the four Galilean moons were close to Jupiter. Equipment's used: 8" Skywatcher Flextube Dobsonian ZWO ASI 178MC, Televue 2.5x Powermate, SvBony UV/IR Filter, EQ Platform Captured using Sharpcap Pro. Processed in PIPP, ASI3, Registax6. Thanks! Clear Skies
  13. Hi, This year the number of clear nights has dramatically decreased. Still with my 8" this season am able to get some finer details. Equipment's Used: 8" Skywatcher Flextube Dobsonian ZWO ASI178MC, Televue 2.5x Powermate, SvBony UV/IR Filter, EQ Platform Captured using Sharpcap Pro, Processed in PIPP, ASi3, Registax. Cheers! Clear Skies!
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