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Posts posted by Durrani84


    Thanks @alacant: Really appreciate your feedback..Im not very technical so I dont think I can comfortably make many of those changes :) but I do dither and I will try skipping Darks!

    @vlaiv, Thanks I do quite at a bit of noise reduction on Pixinsight so I could be that...but If I leave it the picture will be quite noisy... I am thinking of not running noise reduction on Pixinsight and use Denoise AI instead.? Any suggestions on what I could do instead?





    Hi Everyone:

    I just recently modded by DSLR and really happy to see much more red in my images. I tried taking a picture of the Heart nebula. I have an 8 inch 3.9F Orion Newt, powered by ASI Air Pro on a CEM 40 mount.

    I am really happy with the final picture, but im a novice on Pixinsight. If I zoom into the stars, I see like long strands over the stars (like greyish roads?)  I'm not sure what they are. Are these artefacts of some kind?

    Any ideas on how I can create a clearer picture between the stars?, would really be appreciated.

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards,





  3. Thanks @The Lazy Astronomer, I get your point.. so is it expected to see vignetting in the flat image when I take then? If you have an example of a good flat?would you mind sharing?

    I tried taking flats using a light box but since it’s connected to an ASI Air pro, the camera needs to be on Manual mode, hence I can’t use the AV method. So, I try taking exposures with different exposure lengths so the histogram more or less is in the middle.. I think I didn’t try hard enough :)

    Thank you!





    Hello Everyone:

    I hope all is well.

    My a newbie in Astrophotography and attempted to take a picture of the Dumbell Nebula. I took flats using a light box, stacked in DSS and started some processing on GIMP. I can see its darker on the sides. Is this a vignetting issue or something else (e.g gradient)? Any suggestions how I can tackle it and how I can improve my processing are deeply appreciated... thank you!

    I live in Denmark in a Bortle class 4 zone. However, its summer so I have very little dark hours and even then its not totally dark. Also moon coverage was approx 60% at the time.

    • Telescope: Orion 8 inch 3.9 FL
    • CEM 40 Mount
    • Canon 800D
    • TS Optics GPU 1.0 Coma corrector
    • ASIR AIR Pro for image capture


    • ISO 400
    • Light: 180 Sec x 40
    • Flat: 30 using a white box
    • Dark: 30
    • Bias: Unfortunately couldn't take it as battery died
    • Stacking: DSS
    • Processing: GIMP


    Thanks everyone!


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