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Everything posted by UKDiver

  1. First things first, I'm not a flood engineer, but I work with them. I've picked a few things up along the way, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.... Water will go somewhere, usually down. If a soakaway, the ground must be permeable and not already 'full'. No go in clay. If using a french drain, swale etc, then be sure you're not moving your problem onto someone else. If I had the space, funds etc, I'd go for a rainwater attenuation tank. These take the peak and then slowly release it to the existing drainage system. Options exist for rainwater toilet flushing etc too, so a little potential to reduce water bill. ROI might be a while! Would a couple of water butts connected to gutters help? Collect the water, then empty slowly later?
  2. No and yes. There are several competing services charging for online access, some owned by utility companies. There are something like over 1000 organisations who may have underground assets. However a single service is growing for most of the UK https://geospatialcommission.blog.gov.uk/2023/04/05/nuar-available-to-users-in-first-uk-locations/ Scotland already had a similar system. Various tools may be used to detect underground features and manually mark up the surface. Hand digging is still supposed to be used in close proximity. However it still needs people to look up the data and I've seen the aftermath. For me, I've only seen property damage, but I've worked with those who've had far worse. :( Unfortunately some assume there is nothing under fields etc, yet these are the places the more strategic assets may be. Gas and electric mains may have surface markers, but water and sewerage usually don't although manholes and valve covers give good clues. There's no single service or point of contact.
  3. Also could be worth checking for sewers etc. We've 9" sewers half way up the gardens around here. They could be less than 1m deep. Well within the scope of some of the UK depths mentioned here. Water mains and other utilities less likely, but not impossible.
  4. Somewhere for Keith to sleep if he ever finds time!
  5. Have you got around to framing the certificate yet?
  6. Work is a fully hot desk environment and we're all but paper free. Everything not digital is locked away. This means client information is not available for anyone to read. Home is a little different, but the less printed material I get, the tidier I get. Journals are the biggest piles. I know I can get some digitally, but I do like to be able to read at leisure and not on a screen.
  7. I think we need to stop having an earth centric definition of life and not assume that earth biochemistry takes place everywhere. We don't understand much of what develops here let alone apply models to different systems.
  8. Perhaps not quite the intent of the thread, but I did see it. A fun couple of hours.
  9. Not aware of any local events. There are many smaller carparks on the moors, not just limited to Haytor. Not been up there at night yet. I hope the clear weather sticks around. PS. I wrote this a couple of days ago, but failed to hit submit. Apologies.
  10. It does take some grip and effort, but it will move eventually. Oh, yes, it will.
  11. I have the impression that Takahashi have designed a coherent system. If you wish to use something outside of that system, why should they take account of all the possible combinations? I do use other kit on mine. My choice and I must bear the consequences with adapters and hassle.
  12. I thought this was a post about a high value fruit sale. 😀
  13. Weather and my timing has been terrible here. I've not even seen it!
  14. The UK water industry is regulated to be cheap yet keep the companies financially healthy. You're getting what the regulators will let you pay for and are resourced to enforce.
  15. I can understand some sadness. However, I also see some joy in her work being used after she died.
  16. Currently using Mk 1 eyeball in a very cloudy Tenerife. Breeze is moving cloud across the moon, makes it look like Mars is moving quickly towards the moon. Odd effect.
  17. Yup, for this and other things.
  18. Ta, I forgot this was planned. I did like the video from the second booster to land looking down on the first.
  19. National Highways for English motorways and strategic roads. I don't know the equivalent for Scotland. County or Unitary Authority for the rest.
  20. Just a couple of minutes of Jupiter tonight, dodging the cloud. A great night though, first time a friend has seen Jupiter with their own eyes. A happy bunny. Hopefully next time will be even better as Saturn was completely obscured and even the moon barely worth a look.
  21. I think you may have saved me from an earbashing.
  22. I was lucky with my unplanned timing last night, dodged some cloud and the haze to see this start, although I could not tell if Io was in front or behind.
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