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Posts posted by ProfDean

  1. It seems like my setup is correct.  This is what Device Hub is giving me when I try to connect the telescope:

    15:00:29.837: Telescope - Others:       Get Connected flag - False
    15:00:29.837: Telescope - Others:       Set Connected flag -> True (connected)
    15:00:30.358: Telescope - Others:       Connection took 0 milliseconds.
    15:00:30.358: Telescope - Others:       Get Connected flag - True
    15:00:31.373: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanFindHome: False
    15:00:31.374: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanPark: False
    15:00:31.374: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanPulseGuide: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSetDeclinationRate: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSetGuideRates: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSetPark: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSetPierSide: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSetRightAscensionRate: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSetTracking: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSlew: True
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSlewAltAz: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSlewAltAzAsync: False
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSlewAsync: True
    15:00:31.375: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSync: True
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanSyncAltAz: True
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Get CanUnpark: False
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Calling CanMoveAxis( Primary )False
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Calling CanMoveAxis( Secondary )False
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Calling CanMoveAxis( Tertiary )False
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Calling AxisRates( Primary )(done)
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Calling AxisRates( Secondary )(done)
    15:00:31.376: Telescope - Capabilities: Calling AxisRates( Tertiary )(done)
    15:00:36.383: Telescope - Parameters:   Get AlignmentMode Exception: CheckDotNetExceptions ASCOM.UniversalMeade.Telescope AlignmentMode Get System.Exception: Failure reading a byte reply    Timed out waiting for received data (See Inner Exception for details)
    15:00:36.384: Telescope - Others:       Attempting to initialize telescope operation caught an unhandled exception. Details follow:
    15:00:36.384: Telescope - Others:       ASCOM.NotConnectedException: There is no connected telescope.
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.TelescopeManager.CheckDevice(Boolean testConnected, Boolean throwException) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\DeviceManagers\TelescopeManagerAccess.cs:line 1168
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.TelescopeManager.CheckDevice() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\DeviceManagers\TelescopeManagerAccess.cs:line 1138
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.DeviceManagerBase.GetServiceProperty[T](Func`1 getCmd, T defaultValue, ActivityMessageTypes messageType, String propName) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\DeviceManagers\DeviceManagerBase.cs:line 49
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.TelescopeManager.get_ApertureArea() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\DeviceManagers\TelescopeManagerAccess.cs:line 241
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.TelescopeParameters..ctor(TelescopeManager mgr) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\Business Object Classes\Telescope Classes\TelescopeParameters.cs:line 18
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.TelescopeManager.ReadInitialTelescopeDataTask() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\DeviceManagers\TelescopeManager.cs:line 772
       at ASCOM.DeviceHub.TelescopeManager.<Connect>b__247_0() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\Drivers and Simulators\ASCOM Device Hub\DeviceHub\DeviceManagers\TelescopeManager.cs:line 205
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
       at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
    15:00:36.384: Telescope - Others:       Set Connected flag -> False (no change)
    15:00:36.385: Telescope - Others:       Get Connected flag - 
    15:00:36.385: Telescope - Others:       Get Connected flag - 


    Too much for me to digest and diagnose the problem.  Any ideas?

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