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Everything posted by DanWri

  1. Unbelievably suprising that not only did they listen to you, but were so quick to respond to your issues. Your council deserves a lot of praise for this. Congratulations on the reduction of light pollution!
  2. DanWri


    Welcome aboard, Carl. And welcome back to the hobby, too. Clear skies!
  3. +1 for this. Welcome aboard! And welcome aboard to you too, Keeney!
  4. Hey, Angela - can you clarify if you're looking for binoculars or a telescope?
  5. Welcome! You can find all that information for free using weather apps/websites like BBC Weather or the Met Office.
  6. Some fantastic modifications there. Excellent job! Really wish I had the DIY-mind to replicate it.
  7. The core function of the app is still there, you're hardly missing "most of it." In regards to the actual skymap you're limited to objects up to mag 10, whereas pro goes up to mag 25. It's a great app, especially at the price tag of "Free."
  8. Congratulations on your first experience! And it sounds like a successful one too! That absolutely is the Orion Nebula - well done for finding it. One of my favourites. If you find yourself out again soon, try working through this excerpt from the Messier Catalogue - You might not be able to see them all depending on the weather and light pollution in your area but it's a fun little hunt to try out. Clear skies!
  9. Evening Martin, and welcome aboard!
  10. Holy moly that is one expensive mount! No wonder you can get gorgeous images like this.
  11. Hello Michael! Your studies sound like an amazing plan, one which I hope comes off for you! As a proud Yorkshireman it's difficult to be nice to someone of the Red Rose, but I'll do my best! Very nice to meet you. Clear skies!
  12. That's amazing. How did you track the nebula in order to avoid light streaks? Do you have a motorized EQ or something?
  13. Yes remove the Barlow! From what I've read on here people seem to rate Svbony kit quite averagely - not great but not bad either - so it's purely down to your taste vs how much you want to spend. If you're going to go for individual eyepieces then it's a +1 for the BST starguider range from me, but I do still use the stock 25mm SkyWatcher which will be the same as your Celestron (owned and manufactured by the same company) so don't rush to get rid of that one. The 10mm on the other hand...
  14. DanWri

    Gaz here

    Welcome aboard, Gaz. Hope you find someone from your area that can recommend decent dark sites, however you can look at the known ones for yourself in the meantime here (Peak District is probably your best bet). Clear Skies!
  15. DanWri

    new member

    Welcome aboard. That's a great setup. I've no doubt you'll get some amazing views in good skies.
  16. Thanks for sharing. Always good to hear from someone who shares a similar enthusiasm. I think the Pleiades cluster is amazing and, if I'm honest, probably my favourite sight in the night sky at the minute. Most nights after giving the "right, let's go to bed" speech, I'll stand outside with some binoculars and just stare at it for a while. Very clear skies this Saturday for us in West Yorkshire, hoping it's the same for you over in the East!
  17. DanWri

    Hi All

    Welcome aboard Paul. Those shots are certainly beautiful in my eyes.
  18. Wow, that's absolutely amazing. Fantastic job!
  19. Update: Was able to find Andromeda tonight despite the abundance of clouds! Victory!
  20. I wouldn't be upset with that sight either. Love the snow!
  21. That was a great report. Thanks for sharing. It's been great getting the other half out in the garden to look through the eyepiece, so I can relate a little!
  22. Another White Rose compatriot! Welcome
  23. That's true, but according to the BBC the shower is still able to be seen both tonight and tomorrow night.
  24. Paul, it's a little off topic but I couldn't help spotting your profile picture. Is that where you live? I can imagine the light pollution is close to none!
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