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Everything posted by Kartik

  1. Hello All! After years (or decades) of wanted a nice telescope, a friend offered me his Sky Watcher 8in Dobsonian Traditional telescope for 100USD. It does not come with the base, however. So it's just the telescope. I'm unsure of what to do at this point. I could ask a friend to fabricate a base for me if I had some specs, could purchase one second hand? or could buy another base? I'm not exactly sure what my options are or what the best choice is. Also, it is completely without additions and I've heard and read that I should spend some additional money on some other things as well. If anyone could provide some insight I would be very grateful. I have a 5 year old brother and a 2 year old sister and I'm really excited to get them into stargazing and astronomy and hope this is a good way to do it, if you were curious about what I wanted to do with the scope. Not interested in photography at the moment. I live in an area with a good amount of light pollution I believe (zip code 44236 approximately) if that factors in to what I should do. My budget is around 100 dollars but could stretch to 150 if needed. Thank you all in advance!
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