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Everything posted by powerlord

  1. OK moon virgin here (not to be confused with moon virginS which are actually a highly sought out resource in Suffolk around this time of the lunar month by the locals) So tonight is looking good for full moon visible in the 1 hour of cloudless sky predicted for 1-2am. I was going to try my c925 with the asi2600 and ir pass filter? Ir pass best for moon right? That should give me about a 4 part mosaic. OR I could try about a 6 part mosaic with my p200 and Asi224.. Which would allow for far faster fps with the Asi224 and ir pass filter, but lower resolution. Possibly clearer though as only using middle of image vs straight c925 with Asi1600. What do u reckon is best combo? On paper I might get 35mp mosaic out c925 combo vs maybe 20mp with asi234. But Asi1600 can only do 23fps in 10bit vs 150fps with Asi224. Would I be right in thinking newt and Asi224s high fps will trump? Stu
  2. that's a novel ay of mounting to a pier I'll give you that. Also, you have reasonable protection from meteor impacts. 🤪
  3. I've been doing this 9 months now. Before that I'd never even looked though a telescope. I'm learning every week, but I already feel confident offering advice to folk starting up on various bits and bobs. It's not rocket science. You just need to learn as you go. I just posted this one today for example: So, absolutely - imaging is clearly not your bag if using a dob, but whatever your aims, there's TONS of great info out there on websites and youtube. And of course the folk on here are utterly brilliant. In 6 months time you will be boring the pants off friends and family with your astronomy knowledge just like the rest of us. 🤪
  4. Hi, just a note that if yer transfer apped is slow its the WiFi not the device. I get 2mb/s fine. I. E. About 4 secs to download preview image. I'd imagine yer plus is on the cusp edge of your home WiFi and causing slowness. Stu
  5. A reworking/framing of data from last month. Using PI and Affinity. Comments welcome as always. stu
  6. hi chaps, I'm trying some PI tutorials and processing my elephant data. with no stars this is where I am - I'm kinda liking it, except for the orange blobs around the stars (removed but that's where they'll be when I put em back). bloat from the non H I suppose. these are all in the Sii and Oiii is there a process amongst the 70 squillion processes in PI that will get rid of those ? stu
  7. though perhaps that was a little to do with the owners younger eyes ? 😉
  8. to be fair an 'influencer' is just a shill with a trendy name. they should change the definition to say that. everyone seems to be happy to do it these days - reading out adverts like they love this product or that product like america. ruddy awful if you ask me. good review. I luv my asiairs - Cuiv, lazy geek on youtube got one to review (video on youtube) and seems to like it - he was a nina user, and his videos on using nina always have been shouting 'try an asiair' at the screen. it'd be intersting to see his next video where he uses it.
  9. im happy to correct in editing if obvious. however, here is a flat fit - totally balanced as far as i can see? Flat_20.0ms_Bin1_533_0009.fit
  10. I started with a smaller A4 one, but it wasn't big enough for the 9.25.. so got this for 23 quid: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08LV43CM2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Not only is it twice the size and big enough for the 9.25, but it's much lighter and has infinitly variable brightless, that once set, switches on at same brightness next time. It's also made of what seems like almost flurescent white which to my eyes gives a much more even light. anyhoo - thought I'd mention it as cheaper than most, next day delivery if yer prime and of course a fraction of the cost of overprices circular ones which can only hope to do the same thing at the end of the day. stu
  11. How are processing those ? Really like the look. Hubble pallette never comes out like that when I try it.
  12. I might sign up for weekend. It's not far from me. Sods law it will p1ss down all weekend! Might give me opportunity to flog all my spare tatt though!! 😀 Stu
  13. Ah.. Would this mysterious dealer be Midlands based by any chance.. I did wonder where the stock came from.. I couldn't imagine many of us going in to them aka cash converters style. Stu
  14. I'm curious what to see what happens when they cold turkey..
  15. +1 for L-extreme. I've for the 1.25 and the 2". I pretty much never osc without them now. 1.25 with the asi533, 2" as aperture reducer on front of lens with Canon 6d. Awesome filter.
  16. It's pretty old ms ice right enough. I'd be surprised if there are not better alternatives out there. Glad it worked though. Where did you get ice from? Ms site says discontinued.
  17. Lovely comp. Can I ask.. Why is it called the wall?
  18. First was the planets, last night on M27. Clouds were in and out. and when in, guiding lost, so those images all mince. Then when clouds went away, it had moved off target! - I've moaned to zwo about that - they need a config that lets you re-goto target after guiding lost I think. As it was, though mostly clear all night, 60% off images were all mince. 45 mins of Ha left. 300 second subs. C925 with 6.3 reducer. ASI1600, EQR-pro. Stacked in Sirl and processed completed manually in Affinity Photos. For 45 mins, I think it's pretty good. Is it better than what I got with the C8 ? probably about the same - I think seeing is the limiting factor. But more photons, more better 🙂 I'll keep working on this one, but for now just a mono Ha. Still got some good detail here I think, starting to get the outer clouds, etc. Not bad for 45 mins of integration! I've pasted the C8 thread below for comparison. Here is the C8 one with lots more integration time: Here's a wee animation fading between the two. The Ha looks identical to me. 180 mins vs 45 mins. m27.mov
  19. Not for c925. Seeing not worth it. I think I Used a 2x with the c8, details in original thread - I'd need to check that. If I did it was my Sw 2" ED 2X.
  20. I might get a chance tonight. though if the bits I've ordered arrive, I'll be trying the new C925 instead to be honest.. and it's a tinecy bit to big for the azgti..
  21. youtube is your best bet. There are lots of good channels - just search around and watch a ton of them. Before you know it, all the basics will have sunk in. you've got a great planetary camera there. You don't say what scope you've got ? But seriously, unless you are of the generation which prefers very thinly sliced pulped trees with squiggles on them, you'll learn all the basics quickly online from places like astrobackyard and youtube quick enough. I was in same place 9 months ago.. flats, lights, bias, darks, integration, stacking, DSOs, lucky imaging, EDs and APOs - spend some time each day just enjoying watching videos and before you know it, all those sorts of buzzwords will be second nature. Also - in a different direction to most folk - for equipment I'd say - buy second hand, and don't sweat whether its the right thing or not, or whether its the direction you want to go or not. Until you try, you won't know. anything you want to sell, there's a bouyant market, and you can prob get more or less what you paid for it second hand. so treat the early days a bit like a lending library.. i.e. buy a DSLR for 300 quid 2nd hand. use it for 2-3 months. maybe you like DSLRs and want to get a better one, maybe you don't and want to move into astro cameras - sell it for 300 quid, etc.
  22. tried 3.33 last night. guiding works!! however unfortunately not fully tested. I was shooting around Deneb, and though it was in EAST, for reasons best known to itself ,goto went up and over, and started tracking with weights in west/camera on east slightly past vertical. And I know from previous experience that it seemed to work guiding in west anyway.. so really needs another test. My EQ6r-pro does the same - shooting IC1396 last night, and it went past vertical, weights out to west. i.e. sort of already meridian flipped. which is actually good in the sense that I'd far rather it not meridian flip if it has figured out it can 'reach' it starting westerly anyway. But asiair seems oblivous to this - as it kept telling me a meridian flip was XX minutes away.. and then of course gets to that point and no flip happens because it's not needed. Summit weird there. I suppose it could be asiair in that both mounts are controlled by asiairs, but my understanding of the control is that what direction the mount 'gos to' is enterily up to it - asiair or any other controller just sort of says 'go to X/Y'. Im thinking that even though I always 'sync time' with mounts from asiar when I connect it's maybe a BST thing ? anyhoo, when guiding, it wasn't wonderful - around 1-2" rms. but I hadn't really balanced stuff right. In the end that was all I was trying to do last night. I had planned to then shoot widefield with the samyang 14mm and asi533, but found the thing won't focus to infinity with the asi adapter! The 14mm I have was obviously a friday afternoon after the pub build - as the focus ring works backwards (infinity marking is actually macro, and visa versa!). It does work ok in the 6d, so.. I dunno.. but I fannied around with it, and the asiair has the 10mm spacer required for correct threads. it will either need about a 7mm spacer instead, OR maybe convert the 14mm to M42 if that is possible like it is with the 135. Anyway, after all that, I stuck a kit 50mm on.. found it doesn't hold focus AT ALL unless in automode when you are moving it against the motor (which is off of course).. and even then, seeing as you have no control of the aperture on it, it was p1ss poor fully open. However, it proved guiding worked ok which was the main thing. I should have then stuck the 135mm on, but by then I'd have enough with the thing.. and forecast was for only another hour of clear sky. needless to say, it remained cloud free all night... sorry - that ended up being longer that I expected. sigh.
  23. lovely wide field. like that a lot. one to try in a few month here in blighty.
  24. same here in suffolk. forecasts all said a few hours of clear skies, then thick cloud from midnight... took a chance and setup - and ended up imaging all night with clear skies - results looks very sharp. you'd think they'd be able to get forecasts 5-6 hours ahead accurate by now ??
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