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Everything posted by powerlord

  1. Well that sounds about right. I think best suggestions I can Make are -more integration time. You wanna be getting about 100 subs at least. -use starnet++ one you've stacked, then stretch that red out. -try the trial version of topaz denoise to then denoise that stretched starless nebula -then try pumping the saturation up - finally add the stars back at your chosen opacity. Stu - 9 month imaging 'veteran'!
  2. Yeh liking the tiktok framing. Down with the yunguns.
  3. What iso? Your certainly getting some nebulosity there. I assume you've already stretched the bejesus out of it?
  4. Very nice. I like to think I wiz a trend setter for high saturation.. I do think it can make things pop. And they look luvly printed glossy 🤩
  5. very nice. the crappy picture on sky safari doesn't do it justice. If I'd known it could look like that, I'd have imaged it myself by now. Now added to the target list! 🤩
  6. I'm on a SY135 run at the mo, so here's the 3 shot and finished so far in last few days in one place (also posted in DSO imaging). Definately glad I bought this wee lens.
  7. Here is the other target I shot last night. Again, HOO - 50 mins Ha, 80 mins Oiii. I've chosen a palette half way between normal and hubble. ASI1600, NB filters, samyang 135mm stopped down one stop. Unfortunately there was a fair bit of cloud about, which has made things a bit hazy, especially in the Oiii around bright stars. I've tried to reduce it as much as I can, but really probably best shooting the Oii again at some stage. But it wasn't so bad that I thought it wasn't worth the effort of giving processing a go. But I did have to go a bit 'painterly' to bring the blue out.
  8. Here's a late entry - Veil in HOO. 110 mins Ha, 110 mins Oiii. Shot with an asi1600, EFW and samyang 135mm stopped down a stop. I had to jerry rig a connection to the lens with the only thing I had - a canon eos to 1mm thread M42 adapter rather than 0.7". So it sort of screwed on a bit, but not all the way, making the lens focus at about 10 feet.. I thought that would play havoc with star shapes but it actually doesn't seem to have. I captured a lot of faint reds and blues all over the background, but really wanted to bring the main nebula out as the focus, so sacrificed some of that, pulling the background darker, and raining back the stars. To be honest I've never really been sure how to best process the Veil, it's all a bit of a compromise. anyway, this makes my 3rd entry so I'll leave it at that.
  9. HOO. 110 mins Ha, 110 mins Oiii. Had a few goes at this over the year, but never really did it justice. This is the best yet, for what it's worth. asi1600, NB Ha, Oiii with samyang 135mm stopped down one stop. There's so many stars, that I decided to go for a more true black for the dark bits, otherwise it just washes out the nebula.
  10. Last night - forecast 1 hour clear, or rain, or no hours clear.... [removed word] it.. set up.. and got 7 1/2 hours of NB on IC1396! Asi1600, EFW, and samyang 135mm stopped down one. I'm kinda chuffed with this one - i may process it again though. not sure if I've done justice to the data, but what do you think ? As usual, oiii is swamped with general light pollution, S quite a bit too, so it's all compromises.
  11. 11 hours of imaging last night with the 135mm and asi1600 !!! after forecasts all said was was crap and probably rain.. anyway, one hour of it spent on Orion in Ha (filter wheel fitted too). Surprises how well it turned out considering it was also blowing 45mph winds. I plan to continue tonight with S and Oiii, but here it is processed in mono. Click and zoom in. lots of detail.
  12. 50 mins last night. asi1600, sy 135mm stopped down one. 6 x 10 mins. Mono I plan to continue tonight with S and O, but thought I'd process the Ha in mono too. Processed in Affinity Photo. Click and zoom in for full size. got quite a lot of detail in there. Last night clearoutside said 1 hour of clear skies, rain at 4. other forecasts all disagreed with each other. It was clear at 5.30pm.. so I set up.. and got 11 hours of clear skies !! The other hours all spend on IC1396..
  13. With the crap weather, no new data. But here's a reframing and reprocessing of cygnus data from August. I think I prefer the no stars version.
  14. because it's better than starnet++ or is it usability/speed ? stu
  15. Nice seeing last night, so had a fresh go at M33 - seeing was good enough to bin less - link to original thread/pic from a few weeks ago below. Iris - first time I've been relatively happy with results - before I've just always ended up blowing things out and not really capturing the blue. Asi533, C925+F6.3. Iris 14 x 10 min subs M33 45 x 3 min subs, plus 8 ten 10 minute subs. comments welcome as always. Here is the original attempt at M33: And here is my new one - LOTS more detail. THIS is the sort of image I thought was totally out of my reach a year ago. It's great to have made the progress to be able to knock these out in a night now 🙂
  16. Printed a few of my favourite photos so far using my-picture.co.uk (a million other companies are available). they do a glossy and matt finish on aluminium which works really nice. Also a print behind perspex, which is much like the glossy on aluminium. anyhoo - here's the two I've done so far. elephant in glossy on ali, and triangulum in matt. really impressed with hoe they came out and the clarity of the prints. No prizes for guessing what the family members will be getting for christmas... 🤪
  17. A second entry from me - bubble in NB. 115 mins oiii 115 mins sii 75 mins ha Shot with asi1600, C9.25 and f6.3 reducer on an EQ6R-PRO from my garden in Ipswich. I tried editing in various ways, but in the end settled on starnet and affinity photo. I wanted to get that 'gap in the clouds' view, and really pull out the Oiii - which was the hardest to get as this was mostly shot during periods when the moon was around. I love the fact that the bubble itself really does seem like it is 'lensing' the cloud behind it. At the end of the day, it's seeing limited at this sort of focal length, so it is binned a bit.
  18. just finished watching the first series of For All Mankind. you should get on the blower - flog that data to them for series 3 ! wow. stu
  19. so are you using that with the filter drawer ? or screwed into the adapter ? i can't say I noticed any issues when I screwed it into the adapter. maybe just lucky. or blind.
  20. Also not sure why I'm getting diffraction spikes.. With an sct? But I like them here.
  21. Last time I tried to shoot this when I'd just started 9 months ago, all I got was stars. A bit of an improvement 🙂
  22. yeh m33 is too close in, but it was all i had. hadn't realised quite how mad m33 looked. Once I'd edited I thought 'that cannot be right' - looked up wikipedia.. and huh.. it pretty much looks exactly like that.
  23. Yeh considering there was still around 1/2 a moon, and the seeing wasn't great looking at my FWHMs - which were in the 4-5s they came out better than I expected. As I had to use only IR filter, I thought I'd get wiped out by light pollution.
  24. coincidentally shot this for the very first time last night !! You've definitely got more detail than I got, which is to be expected vs my 100 minutes ! (I binned mine down to 25% as seeing limited)
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