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Everything posted by Newforestgimp

  1. Hi all, I'm considering buying some form of power distribution box (Pegasus, other... not decided yet) and wondering what power supply do people use to take power to the power box ? 1) From mains to power box 2) From in the field battery solutions to power box on another point, I'm new to this hobby and something that continually frustrates me is the acceptance that electrical hardware is supplied without the appropriate power supply leaving electrophobes like me questioning everytime what is needed and where to buy.... Regards Andy H
  2. Hi Sorry for dredging this post up again, but I'm interested to understand why you do not power your mount from the Power Box ? I'm considering purchasing a power hub and now wondering if its worth it if i cant power the mount ?
  3. That too looks just the job !! im no electrician, what are the cables and connectors required ? why is it so hard to find these things.
  4. messing about with new LED panel in the bike/surf/sup/kayak/AP/man cave...
  5. Which model focuser is it ? Currently researching them.
  6. I've finally got around to checking the DSD DC Hub you suggested and it looks to be just the item I'm looking for. Can I ask you how do you use yours ? how do you supply power to the box ? how you use the USB ports ? etc etc... and I guess any issues with shipping from Slovenia since Brexit ? or did you purchase before ? Andy H
  7. I know Lyndhurst and Brock, many miles cycled around those lanes, itching to get out in the wilds to some dark sky and see what I can do, but need to assemble all the power gear to make it doable with minimal effort.
  8. That Ethernet box looks just the job !! For the usb side of things, I’ve currently got a powered usb hub but this one does look like a worthy upgrade if I can’t find a solution in one box, thank you.
  9. It’s bad enough waiting for clear skies at night in the uk, waiting for the sun ? That’s just crazy talk !!! 😎
  10. Thank you, I recall nearly spitting my tea over the laptop when the raw images started coming through 🤯
  11. Hi All, I spent a good amount if time last night searching for an alternative to the Pegasus Powerbox branded products. I came away scratching my head wondering surely somewhere out there like maplins must sell a USB Hub that also has 12v DC outputs too ? Nothing against the Pegasus products I'm sure they're spot on but cant deny that over £300 for power and usb hub its expensive, even if it was a two box solution separate USB Hub/12v Hub, but its the 12v Distribution box I couldn't find. Has anyone on SGL found a reasonably priced workaround to a Pegasus PB Advance ? Cheers Andy H
  12. This was my second attempt at M42, From memory these were about 30 or so 240 second guided subs at ISO400 and many attempts at post processing, sadly I struggle with focus for some reason, think my eyes are lying to me, have been using APT Bhatinov Mask Focus aid since and seems better on last attempts.
  13. I've been offered a 200mm Chinon 62dia f3.5, £60, not sure whether to go for it or not ? Also looking for something like a 24mm f1.8 for super widefield. I think its worth a try on the images with vintage lenses thread, everyone loves a bargain.
  14. I bought a couple of Vintage lenses, a 200mm Panagor f3.5, whilst it was listed as an M42 fit it turned out to be an old canon Bayonet which i had to buy a correcting adapter to include focus to infinity, I've only tried it in daytime and there is noticeable vignetting on all shots which is a bit off putting, not sure if its the infinity adapter or the lens itself ? The other I bought was a Takuma 135mm f3.5, this time with correctly advertised fitment and again only use during the daytime, and i have to say i love it, its so smooth, nice weight, great portrait taking and good landscapes. I'm currently on the look out for a fast 135 or 200 with a wider aperture, the Takumar is tiny diameter and as i say the Panagor im not convinced about.... Any suggestions ? Andy H
  15. Just to expand on this Alan, what happens if from the calculation you end up with a negative value ? I've been considering a Filter drawer into this image train, so is it.... 67.7 - 44 - 11 - 17(filter drawer) + 0.3 = -4 ??? does this mean I cant add a filter drawer into the train ? Andy H
  16. I have the same set up (not the star adventurer) I made sure to buy the WO Canon adapter, it was a much better fit than the generic one i was using. Mine is set to the 12.9mm suggested on the WO site, i did have a filter inline and increased this to 13.7mm but to be honest I've literally just removed the filter as I'm not convinced and gone back to 12.9mm NO FILTER. Will be interested if you manage to get it sorted WITH filter. I'd also like to know what figure to adjust to if adding a filter drawer in this setup ? Regards Andy
  17. I aim to get somewhere close to your original image its stunning so wont even think about commenting on that, but in my efforts I found that APP stacked and controlled the colours better than my previous attempts with DSS. Might be worth a try ?
  18. Thankyou I'll check that, probably in a months time looking at the weather coming in 😞
  19. Its just such a shame, as i thought the whole point of NINA to be a one app controls all ? So must admit Im still a little confused, when people are saying they start PHD2 first, are we auto/manual selecting guide star in order to start guiding or just opening the app ?
  20. Ok it seems my understanding is incorrect, assuming NINA allows for the calibration step in PHD2, I will have to allow for this next time as you both appear to do. It's hard to accept giving up more nights experimenting with workflow, but hopefully this might be the last time 👍
  21. I will bare this in mind next time I'm out, maybe I'm expecting too much of NINA, but I still feel its just a timeout value somewhere that isnt getting response in time back from the mount when NINA is in the loop and cancels the calibration and so starts the process again only to fail at the same waiting reply step. But will try outside of NINA as you suggest.
  22. I cant honestly remember whether PHD2 was connected to devices prior to starting NINA. Doesnt starting and calibrating PHD2 prior to NINA cause PHD issues when slewing, platesolving/centering ? or does it just pick a new star and resume guiding when mount settles ?
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