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Posts posted by ramxis

  1. Hi Stephan,

    I went to Neutscher Höhe the spot between the two windmills, unfortunately we didnt get to observe any other deep sky objects, It was too cold and we were a little underprepared for that, 

    I will try again from my backyard now that I know approximately where it is. About your comments about checking out the dob for myself I do plan to do that first,

    I actually have had the current teleskop for almost 3 years now, but since i was a student before and lived in a studentenwohnheim, I didnt have access to a car or a backyard to really take advantage of it, for the last 1 year I have gotten into this hobby more and more, :)


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  2. On 04/11/2020 at 15:42, Nyctimene said:

    Hello, Rameez,

    lightpollutionmap is working again, and I've added a map of the Odenwald region SE of Darmstadt.

    The dark sky site closest to you is the Neutscher Höhe, about 10 km SSE of Darmstadt (close to Nieder-/Ober- Modau; two wind power stations close by). You might also try the very interesting archeological site of the Roman "Haselburg", SW of Höchst and S  of Hummetroth, that will give you an excellent panoramic view.

    If you want still darker skies (Bortle 4 or even 3), you may try the Mossautal region (my own location), or, at the Hessen-Bayern-Baden-Württemberg border triangle, the tiny village Hesseneck-Hesselbach, 530 m elevation (cosy accomodation and excellent restaurant in the "Grüner Baum" hotel - but not at the moment due to lockdown).


    Have a nice weekend; but the moon will be up still rather early, so don't lose time; clear skies!

    Btw., what kind of scope will you use?

    PS: link to the hotel added:https://www.gruenerbaum-hesselbach.de/wir.php


    Hallo Stephan,

    Vielen Dank for the recommendations, I will surely be out tonight :) . I have a Newtonian reflector 130 / 650  on an EQ-3 manual mount.  Its my first scope, I am planning to get a 10inch goto Dobsonian next around Christmas time. 



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  3. 42 minutes ago, Annehouw said:

    Hi ramxis


    Have a look here https://darksitefinder.com/maps/world.html#8/50.179/9.877

    Even better here: https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/#zoom=7.80&lat=50.1755&lon=9.2515&layers=B0FFFFFTFFFFFFFFFF

    Frankfurt is bad, but if you go to the east a bit, it gets a lot better. Have fun!

    For your smartphone, there is also this: https://www.darkskymap.com/

    Fun thing about an app is that you can turn on your gps and see how far you have to go from your current position. White is bad,  red is bad, yellow is better, shades of green are quite OK, blue is even better and dar, dark blue is fantastic (this colour s heme both for the website and the app)

    Thank you, I will give them a try this weekend :)


  4. 16 minutes ago, Nyctimene said:

    Hallo, und willkommen! I'm a German stargazer, living in the rural Odenwald region, approx. 65 km S of Frankfurt. Some great sites can be found in the Rhön region NE of Frankfurt, but also in the Odenwald, SE of Erbach/Michelstadt (Bullau; Breitenbuch). I don't know anything about the Taunus sites, but you may contact the people of the Volksternwarte Frankfurt (they run an observatory at the Kleiner Feldberg):


    S of Darmstadt are also observing sites; contact the people of the Volkssternwarte Darmstadt:


    If you have special questions, you can email to me.

    Enjoy the journey!


    Hi Stephan danke, I actually live in Darmstadt and have been to VSDA a few months back,  they told me about Odenwald,  I believe the exact quote was "just go south towards odenwald" 😛, but unfortunately due to corona they are closed for in person visits now,

    I have a car and plan to bring my telescope to odenwald, Unfortunately I don't knw the region and have never been to odenwald region before, would be nice if you had some GPS coordinates for some good stargazing sites around odenwald ?



  5. Hi I am new to this, I live near frankfurt germany and have been trying to find Andromeda galaxy from my backyard and havent had any luck. I was wondering if someone knows any darksky sites near frankfurt / darmstadt that i can goto to observe andromeda and other deepsky objects. If any one have any software recommendations that will let me find such sites that would also be very helpful.

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