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Voyager 3

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Everything posted by Voyager 3

  1. What is your budget ? I've always thought that the 20mm explore scientific 68Β° is a perfect match with a 50mm finder . If you find gold in your garden's tree , a 16mm Nagler T5 can't be beat .
  2. Zooms and solar Ha are like sweet and honey ... You just can't seperate them πŸ‘.
  3. How much do you use your BHZ Neil ?
  4. Is that a Berlebach observing chair Stu ? Nice looking setup for for your 4 eyes 🀣 .
  5. Hey mate ! Get your scope , flee to the deep space , put all your pain and hardship into the great Hercule cluster and hop through the virgo cluster . But don't forget to get down to Earth again 😁 .
  6. A good tip I would like to share here - While trying to split Antares , try a UHC . I've read numerous reports saying it helps .
  7. Well John , knowing your affinity for EPs , I just saw your older posts with respect to your Leica zoom and the Baader VIP Barlow. It's funny how you mention the same thing now in the APM zoom 😁 . This may again turn out to be a expensive exercise .... And @Littleguy80 , here's one of the man you said who use(s) fixed FLs even when donning the Leica and a world class Barlow in VIP . πŸ‘
  8. I expected this you know . Ordering an eyepiece and waiting is worse than infected with CoViD 19 .
  9. Don't hold your breath . They say it may hit the market in June but these are crazy times and they may even be delayed by months .
  10. This quite nicely matches my experience of M4 with my 8" πŸ‘ , though at low power.
  11. @Commanderfish , if you only use the 76mm Tak for widefields , then why not get a good 72mm fpl-53 triplet ? I believe the tak and the triplet would be indistinguishable in wide fields . Where the Tak comes up victoriously is in high power planetary/lunar and double stars . But I see your mild case of takitis 🀣 .
  12. Contact TV or the seller and inform that you received your cap but the frac hasn't arrived yet πŸ™‚ .
  13. Cool Paul ! Can you show us your setup with bver attached ? ( Send us the setup while you observe the moon not to make my request hijack your thread 😎 .)
  14. OP..... I'm sry 😒 Mike , did you prefer prism or mirror with your DC ?
  15. You sure are a serious patient of this addiction ! I remember how you slowly grew into XWs then a APM 20mm then soon followed 4 Ethos !! ATB in your hobby .
  16. Do you remember the mag(s)@Epick Crom ?
  17. So how did you manage to add the cross hairs ?
  18. Sure astronomy is a very daunting hobby for a young beginner without his own money ... I will tell my short story lol. I begged my dad for a year and saved and saved and with some loan ( LOL) I now have my 8" dob πŸ˜ƒ. That too with this internet world I seems to get tempted by any post in the forumsπŸ˜‚ .
  19. That cake is cool 😎 . Happy birthday !
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