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Red baron

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Everything posted by Red baron

  1. It came all fitted good pace of engineering
  2. Ok thanks worked it out end stop they have done a few up dates thanks
  3. Hi just got new wedge and there is an extra part in bag a round two sized pace of black metal about an 1" big does any one know were it goes no instructions with unit thanks
  4. Hi thanks but no it the bolds that hold scope and dovetail bar to mount already have those thanks
  5. Hi looking for some help to see if anyone does anything different with the saddle which holds the dovtail knobs find them a bit small and with arthritis hard to undo thanks
  6. The moon last night don't think ill get one today very over cast and cold
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  7. Found a site called star finder can type in my post code gives longitude and lang for my area and shows stars and times i can see them Essie to use
  8. thanks for replies will try later on thanks again
  9. Hi that app doesn't come up thanks
  10. Hi bit new to all this how do I put latitude and longitude figures in 53.7544 n and 0.7404w the unit doesn't seem to come up with west thanks
  11. Looks good have to wait till March for it to come hopefully the sky's will be better thanks for sheering
  12. After research iv decided to go all the way and get a vimtech just in case i wish to up grade scope to a p300 and with age creeping in and arthritis think it best move thanks all
  13. Hi are you using a full size wedge or a drake frame trying to work out which is best long term thanks
  14. Hi new user been looking at wedges to make life essay has any one had experience of the dark frame wedge and is it a good long term seclusion or should I just get the full wedge thanks
  15. looking for 21" and every were is out of stock
  16. Hi thanks for info looking at losmandy dovetail bars and no one in UK has any stock now looking at America the UK seems very poor for of the self stock would like to support UK traders shame have to go abroad to find the bits you want
  17. Hi looking to improve scope to mount which dovetail wood be best for stability for an neq6 mount thanks
  18. hi looking for advice got an eq5 mount with motors don't know which way to go if to get an astro eq or bay a goto full motors and control how essay to link an astro to computer or the goto programable unit all advice appreciated
  19. thanks may have to save for eq6
  20. Hi has anyone experience of putting a p250 on an eq 5 mount with drive motors can it take the weight thanks
  21. hi just getting an st80 were will I get rings to use a spotter scope or do you have to modify some thing just found from china they do one all good
  22. will not do that say it can not connect to hand set bought a proper lead and still no joy
  23. Hi it doesn't scroll in test just say 1.7 should it go to other things thanks
  24. Hi daft question how do you do a hard reset on it can't find in manual must be age thing thanks
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