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Posts posted by LeaWoo

  1. On 26/11/2020 at 10:11, Ed in UK said:

    I was looking at Mars last night but would have struggled to make out any detail. The planet will appear like a bright red/orange star at 25mm and a small red/orange disc at 10mm. Both images should be relatively sharp. When out of focus the planet will appear as a fuzzy ball. Are you sure that you have the eye piece sitting in the holder correctly ? 

    With my limited knowledge it sounds like you have a focusing problem.

    If you can use your scope during the day have a look at a distant object such as a tree or a building and make sure that you can get that in focus.

    If you can't use the scope during the day then use the moon. Again check to see if you can obtain focus. Stars should appear as pinpricks of light and not fuzzy balls.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Good luck.

    Thank you for your input.


    We returned the telescope due to a fault and are currently looking for a new one. Everything seems to be out of stock at the moment!

  2. On 18/11/2020 at 17:56, Ricochet said:

    When using it at night on celestial targets, remember that in order to focus the telescope you must turn the focuser knob to make the image smaller. When whatever you are looking at is at its smallest, it is properly focused.

    Thank you, that helps.

    You still can't really tell it's Mars though and maybe our hopes were too high for this scope. The hole for the focus screw is way out any way so we are going to return it and find a better quality scope.

  3. Hi All,

    We have a Skywatcher Mercury 707az telescope and hole for the focus locking screw seems to be out of line. The seller said they would send a video link but haven't as of yet.

    I am hoping to get some opinions, I have attached a photo.

    Have we done something wrong or is it faulty? Also, would this affect the focus in any way? The outer part of the frame won't focus properly no matter how we adapt it.


  4. On 12/10/2020 at 00:14, Alan64 said:

    Two to three eyepieces would make for a useful set for a long time.  Plossls are the minimum in performance eyepieces, and are economical; a 32mm and a 12mm, along with a 2x-barlow perhaps.  The 32mm would be for your lowest power and brightest/widest view of the sky, and for hunting objects to observe.  The 12mm, with and without a barlow, for the higher powers.




    Barlow... https://www.365astronomy.com/GSO-2x-Barlow-2-Element-Achromatic-Barlow.html

    Those are just examples.  If you want eyepieces that will show a wider view of the sky at the medium-to-high powers, those are available too.


    Hi Alan64, 

    I've been awol this week, sorry.

    I'll have a look at these, I'm planning on purchasing over the next week so I'll update you with what I choose.

    I appreciate your input.

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