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Posts posted by VE6CPU

  1. Hello everyone.  I'm new to this forum so a little introduction is in order.

    I live in East Central Alberta Canada.  Right in the middle of the bald prairies.  We usually have a lot of clear nights which is nice, but we also have a lot of atmosphere to look through.  I did a few astronomy classes in University as I've been a star gazer since I was a kid.  Parents bought me my first telescope.  It was a cheap small refractor.  You could barely see the moon in it let alone any stars.  I knew there where better scopes out there but at the time they where out of mine and my parents price range.  Fast forward 35 years and I finally purchased a Celestron 6SE.  I wanted a SCT as I used them in University and liked them.  Also wanted something motorized so it could track objects so I could do some photography also.  I got my scope a week ago and because of that we had a week of nothing but clouds.  But last night it cleared up and I was finally able to take it out side.  I quickly found Jupiter (moon wasn't up yet) and saw four of it's moons.  After that I picked up Saturn just a little ways away.  First time I've seen her rings in 35+ years.  Then I did some gazing at the moon.  I love how by looking at the edge you can see how tall some of the craters are.  Like mountains jutting up.  I'm hoping to hook up the camera tonight and use the computer to gaze at some objects.  I'm finding that I get dizzy if I spend to much time hunched over looking through the eye piece.

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