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Posts posted by ChrisRo

  1. Thanks for the suggestions, the mount is in Alt-Az mode and I'm using the tripod that comes with the AZ GTI, unfortunately its not very stable, however it was on paving and I stood away from the Telescope while the images were taken.  It also wasn't very windy. 

    I have purchased this scope for some DSO Imaging but also for viewing the planets. So far the only decent pic Ive taken is of the Moon :)

    I'll try a 3 star alignment and see if that improves the behaviour, but I have my doubts. I'm thinking I will try replacing the tripod to see if that helps as the weight shifts when the scope is moving so its never truly level.




  2. Hey, 

    I've just recently purchased a Skywatcher Skymax 127 Telescope with an AZ GTI mount and I'm having issues with long exposure shots,  I was trying to take some pics of Pleiades with a 30 seconded exposure and the tracking wasn't working correctly. I tried doing the pole alignment method  and the GoTo does kind of work but its not super accurate, I have a feeling that this might be causing the tracking issues, or is 30 seconds just to long for this mount?  

    DSC00328.ARW DSC00346.ARW

  3. Hey Guys, 

    Ive been wanting to get into Astronomy for awhile and have just ordered a telescope, I feel like I have rushed into it a bit and haven't fully researched what scopes are available and what the best bang for buck is, I'm looking for a Telescope that can be used as an all rounder, I'm particularly interested in Planets, Nebulas and Galaxy's. 

    Ive ordered the Sky-Watcher SkyMax-127 AZ GTi from FLO for £449, is this going to be adequate for what I want to view or is there better scopes in the same price range? I do like the idea of the GOTO Mount as it seems the best option for a beginner, I'm just concerned of the weight limitations if I get new scopes in the future. 

    I also have a Sony a6000, is this set up good enough for some Astrophotography? 


    Cheers Chris

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