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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks. I am looking forward to try with my new mono camera, if the clouds ever depart.
  2. I am glad it did the trick! I hope you managed to have a piece from the 'vultures'..no chance in my house. I really appreciate your generosity to send your camera over to a complete stranger that you have never met before. It enough to convince me to buy a mono as well.
  3. Weak display in Wiltshire. Pixel 4a on astrophotography mode.
  4. I managed to find a second hand mono asi462mm to keep company to my colour asi462mc. Mostly for Venus UV and methane imaging of the gas giants. Looking forward to planetary season.
  5. I can see Monkey head quite well; I can distinguish from the dark sky and some darker lanes inside. Again it is big. I just got myself a ES 34mm 68degrees that should hopefully help with these larger diffuse nebulas (I will need to upgrade my filter to a 2").
  6. Thanks. I though the 15" would reveal more, but I suppose it is a huge and diffuse nebula. No I have not tried SH2-94. I will give it a try in the summer when Cygnus is placed overhead. Would you recommend an OIII?
  7. Excellent report Gerry with nice targets and that's a serious commitment out in the snow! Lovely Dob too! By the way, I have tried the Jellyfish with my 8" and I have managed to make out the nebula from the dark sky with an OIII but without much structure. Did the 15" reveal more (it would be great if could you describe it please). Kostas
  8. Looking forward to your results. I am thinking of a mono camera as well. I might start a new topic to get ideas or do it offline with some of you seasoned planetary imagers.
  9. Are you planning to use the filter with a mono camera? I am seriously thinking to get a mono if it will give better images.
  10. I managed a quick capture of Venus in UV between passing clouds this afternoon. My the time I changed to the IR pass filter the sky was completely cloudy. 8" Dob, manual tracking, 2.5x TV powermate, Altair Astro GPCAM 290M, Astromania UV filter. Resized 125%. Despite the clouds, the seeing was fairly stable.
  11. I love my 24mm for nebulas and I was lacking a low mag for the more extended clusters and nebulas to fit in. The 82 series I have are excellent in my eyes. I hope to get some clear skies soon to test it. Kostas
  12. The postman brought me this little eyepiece courtesy of Mark @callisto. Super well packaged. An obligatory photo with a can of tomatoes, sorry I couldn't find beans around the house 🤣. That's a serious eyepiece.
  13. Congratulations on the achievement. Excellent picture as well.
  14. Joe, fantastic read and I am amazed you banged that many targets from your light polluted skies. I would love to see NGC 3372 one day. If I understand it is quite bright, M42 bright or brighter? Do filters bring out more details to it at all?
  15. Excellent image. It does show nice clouds. Out of curiosity, why not sharpen the red channel and omit the luminance? Was there much benefit or does it help mask the bright side during sharpening?
  16. Excellent image and the accompanying write up very informative as always.
  17. Nice report and first light (?). You may want to consider a good quality OIII for the fainter nebulas (I am not sure what your skies are).
  18. Thanks for the comments!
  19. Yes it was fun despite the awful weather. I am enjoying the Venus imaging and still getting my head around with the filters and what is real feature and what's not; but a lot of excellent advice here. I hope you enjoy your galaxy season. I had a great visual session a few weeks ago.
  20. Kon


    Fantastic. It pops out of the page. A real 3d appearance to it.
  21. Good going there. I thought you had stopped for the season. Some details are still coming through.
  22. Excellent composition and hats off to your dedication and consistent processing! There are many hours of frustration, capturing and processing in these images. I am looking forward to seeing what you can do in 2023.
  23. Excellent set of images again. You are pulling some nice details on the clouds.
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