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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks for the feedback and advise on the sensor (I will keep it in mind; I have kept a filter on as well as the dust cap, and bagged away). I think, I am pleased with this colour as I have seen others that are more greenish, orange etc etc. I did a google search on the Venus cloud colours from probes and this hue was closer to what I saw (thanks for the comment about Emil, I had not come across his site). But like you said, not true RGB so 'open to interpretation'.
  2. Excellent image in my eyes, but you are the best critic of your setup. It is showing really nice details and resolving several of the craterlets even under suboptimal conditions. It sounds that you are getting where you want to be with the new setup.
  3. Thanks Neil. I think the lighting was not the best for Aristarchus and probably suffered a bit during stacking. Seeing was similar for both captures.
  4. Thanks. Good capture as well. Comparing with your earlier capture, the shadows motion is pretty nice inside the crater between our images. Regarding details, seeing will play a huge factor but also collimation is key.
  5. Some clear skies after a long time. Aristarchus and Gassendi. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, IR pass, 2.5x TV powermate.
  6. I finally managed a proper imaging session with my asi462mm this afternoon. I removed the AR window prior to any captures and it made a huge difference. I managed to shoot the UV filter at 3ms and gain 300 with ~280fps! Seeing was awful as the IR filter was showing really bad boiling but despite this I think I have got my best UV clouds so far. I think I have the colour balance right but happy to receive feedback on the processing and colour. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, Astromania UV and IR pass filters. I also added the UV capture as luminance on top of the IR-sG-UV as it made it look sharper. UV and IR-sG-UV
  7. Another excellent set of images. On the new images, there are amazing details inside the craters. Outstanding! I am also glad to read that it's performing well. Very exciting to see what you can do under good conditions.
  8. Thanks. I feel it should deliver some excellent results under good conditions. I am not sure it can do miracles through thick clouds and rain though 🤣
  9. How about the ES 14mm 82 degrees? I upgraded to it after the 15mm BST and it is an excellent EP. I also use it, mostly, for DSOs. Good correction to the edge. As you already know from your 6.7, it has a tight eye relief. They are on Aliexpress for ~£125 so not that much more than the Nirvana (I have no experience with it). I personally like the wide FOV when I observe nebulas/galaxies as it gives the immersion feeling, plus less nudging of the Dob.
  10. f14.7 (let's call f15). I am at 5x the pixel size of the asi (2.9um). Yes a bargain at £28 (including a methane and IR pass filter in the kit)!! I think when I placed my order in amazon there must have been a glitch in their system and rather than their normal £90 it was £28 🙃. Still, £90 for three filters it's a pretty good price, and my methane captures were pretty decent under bad seeing. I should write a little review on these filters as it might help others who are on budget.
  11. Posidonius on 27/3/23. Testing the asi462mm. Very pleased with the noise control. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, UV/IR cut, 2.5x TV powermate. I want to try some lunar imaging with the IR pass filter next.
  12. Posidonius on 27/3/23. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, UV/IR cut, 2.5x TV powermate.
  13. Strange. I just tested it for my location and it took less than 5s. Even if doesn't find transits it will tell you. I have used both auto location and use my GPS without issues. Unless you got it in a bad moment. Try limit to 1km as initial test.
  14. I use this one but keep an eye a week or a few days before the transit as it changes regularly. https://transit-finder.com
  15. I am happy to return the good karma of getting a camera on loan from sgl recently, so if you want to try, you can borrow my colour camera but you will need a laptop for it.
  16. Great captures with the new setup. How do you like thus far? The craterlets have come very nice.
  17. You have until 2030 before it is de-orbitted. 🥲 There have been some excellent mobile captures here (see the posts from @ankwste) but you will need some way to process the videos.
  18. I agree that it is a very good start. I am pleasantly surprised that I managed to do 9ms exposures with ~350 gain, and considering I was capturing through thin clouds. No ghosting either. The question is if I should remove the AR window for more sensitivity. According to the zwo site it clips 15% of the UV.
  19. Great images. I am always drawn to the inverted one.
  20. Thanks. Not 100% happy with the colour balance but I will take it for now 😁. Yeeayyy! Looking forward to your captures. Which filter do you use?
  21. I have been itching to try the new mono asi462mm that I bought last week. Finally a break in the clouds. First impressions, I am blown away over the colour one asi462mc that I have; a lot less noise and much more sensitive in UV; I only had to shoot at 9ms to get a good signal and I can probably drop it for more fps if there were no thin clouds duirng the capture . No ghosting despite the AR window still present. The capture was at daylight and I think the IR signal suffered a lot. The UV clouds are coming through very nicely despite the conditions. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, UV and IR filter from Astromania. A made colour version as well IR/sG/UV. Resized 150%. (I also captured ISS under thicker clouds but again blown away with the lack of noise. posted here: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/408305-international-space-station-270323/#comment-4365267)
  22. I bought a new mono camera, asi462mm, recently and ISS was predicted to pass over UK at 2106 UTC tonight. Despite the clouds I managed to get some really decent images. I am really excited to try it under good seeing conditions. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mm, UV/IR cut filter, 2.5x TV powermate.
  23. Asi462mm, it was good price second hand. But I have not had clear skies for the past few weeks to do anything. I have seen some great Venus UV and Jupiter methane images with it as well. I will report once I had the chance to try it.
  24. Or a good excuse to get a new set?😉
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