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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Great set of images. I like the presentation.
  2. Another spectacular aurora from a dark site in Hauganes, Iceland. This was the brightest I saw in our stay here. PXL_20230411_234448946.NIGHT.mp4 PXL_20230411_230544273.NIGHT~3.mp4
  3. Congratulations to the winners. Great set of images!
  4. I meant more the edges. Although winjupos will be fine, the UV at least in my processing is a bit less sharp than the IR and harder to align correctly. The green will probably help with colour balance. Saying that your colour looks very nice.
  5. That's a nice image with nice cloud details. If I were you, I would try align the IR layer more to the left to avoid the red fringing. I think that's a result of a less sharp UV edge. I see that with my captures too. I noticed you do not have a synthetic green as others usually do, including me. A reason for this?
  6. Thanks. We were lucky to have 2 clear nights. The reds were visible by eye.
  7. A second night of aurora activity, this time from Myvatn, Iceland. I drove up on the mountains to avoid the town lights and it was just amazing. From 11pm to 230am. PXL_20230408_230456035.NIGHT~2.mp4 PXL_20230409_014409159.NIGHT~2.mp4 PXL_20230409_010601846.NIGHT~2.mp4
  8. With my limited experience, when I am in this situation, I take a few steps back in sharpening and see if they are there (but less obvious of course).
  9. Nice set of images Stuart. The 25% stack seems sharper.
  10. Thanks Carole. Getting out of the big cities you get to experience more of the real culture of a country as well. We are exploring the North this time. We did the South many years ago.
  11. Very nice reprocess but as others have said a bit oversharpened from your usual standards. How did the original post look for comparison?
  12. Thanks. I agree Akureyri is very nice including most towns outside Reykjavik.
  13. I am in Iceland for Easter holidays and tonight we were treated to an amazing aurora display. These captures are with my Pixel 4a using nightsight and post editing with Google photos. PXL_20230406_235543363.NIGHT~2.mp4
  14. Nice details and subtle colours.
  15. Nice capture and the phase is showing nicely.
  16. Great first light. Looking forward to more of your captures.
  17. Another excellent set of sketches. Whenever I tried to observe Venus, I only get to see the phase. I don't have any visual filters to try and pick clouds. The bright spot is intriguing. I have seen a brighter side in my captures but I never thought much of it as I thought it may be due to processing. Again amazing visual skills!
  18. Thanks for the kind words. I am very pleased with the camera as with my colour I had to go to 40-60ms too. I am not sure why you are struggling to get it below 50ms with the mono. When I had the mono on loan I was getting 9ms easily and I could have gone lower I think.i suppose thin clouds would have an impact, if there were any. I suppose the #47+IR cut you have doesn't show the same issue?
  19. Stunning images. Your Aristarchus and the rimae are excellent; you have got it on the right lighting too. The setup is looking great.
  20. Thanks Stuart. I get between 6-8K. I keep 70% in pipp and stack around 25% in as!3.
  21. Excellent drawings and I am always amazed to see you observing/drawing clouds on Venus.
  22. For capture, I aim for 40% histogram; I use a star of similar brightness to adjust settings. I then use the same for every fly over. I shoot a continuous video at 640x480 ROI for max fps but you can use the full sensor too. The above was with full sensor. Exposure between 0.7-1ms and gain to have the 40% histogram. I never capture if max pass is less than 60degrees as the atmospheric disturbance is awful. I start my video at 45-50 degrees and rising. I follow it with my RACI and never look at the laptop. I have done it so many times that I know the trajectory on my sky and I place the RACI a few degrees ahead to avoid motion noise. For processing, I use the ISS setting in PIPP with 70% white balance. I then go manually through my tiffs. if I have a sequence of continuous images of ISS with high details I stack them in as!3. Then a bit of registax and maybe astrosurface to bring the colours when I shoot in colour. Feel free to message me if you want more details. I hope you will manage it.
  23. Thanks Stuart. Yes very pleased to have got my setup ready for planet season. Have you tried your new filter yet?
  24. ps I would love to see a Venus session with your new setup.
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