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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Looks good. On my mobile screen I can make two lighter features so you seem to have some details.
  2. Nice capture and I agree with Neil that you can push the sharpening more. I use the dyad and the top two slide bars. You will get a bright edge rind but you can find a nice balance.
  3. Great image. To be honest I am pushing it's limits at the moment but well surprised that both UV and IR are working well. I wonder if it's also down to modern cameras. But this season I have seen several good images in both true colour or IR with details. I have seen some fantastic images at 1000nm from large scopes. I don't plan on getting more IR filters as yet unless something comes second hand. I think you should get the 12" out, although you have explained the issues with cooling etc.
  4. Thanks. Yes wind was awful here too. I am looking forward to seeing what you managed.
  5. Thanks Neil. I have the Svbony at 685nm. I also have the Astromania at 650nm. I feel the Svbony is performing better but I have not done a real side-by-side comparison.
  6. Fantastic images. Some of the best I have seen.
  7. I managed a rushed session before clouds and rain came over. Despite this, the captures were pretty good despite the high winds. I capture them during daylight and when Venus was high up. My IR is showing some really nice features compared to yesterday, and looking online I may have capture the discontinuity cloud events (only visible in IR); I have contacted Paul Abel at BAA to confirm. These were visible before I even stretched the image in registax. The UV is also showing different features from yesterday as well. I also made a false colour. Your thoughts? 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, 2.5x TV powermate, IR pass and UV filters. Image order, IR, UV and false colour.
  8. I found that my IR capture was boiling but the UV and colour much more stable. Unless only UV features are coming through at the moment? It seems that colour and IR features were picked by several in the past few weeks, and I wonder if for some reason they are not strong enough?
  9. I am surprised that both the IR and colour did not show much last night, same as your post. (a friend of mine with a 16" only got UV clouds as well yesterday).
  10. I hope the cleaning goes to plan and no further issues. I thought the new scope was a 12" Stella lyra (signature says 8"), unless i got my facts wrong?
  11. Nice capture Neil. Clouds looking nice and smooth without noise! Hmmm.....you have me worried now...I might try some more experiments with the AR back on.
  12. Not the best seeing earlier tonight with the winds but also a bit of boiling effect. IR had no details at all and my colour capture not too interesting. The UV is showing some different clouds from the previous post. I did not like how the false colour came out so not posting it this time. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, Astromania UV filter, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 150%
  13. Nice image. Mine looked very similar tonight.
  14. Nice image. Your image has some clouds if you stretch it a bit harder, ignoring the edge rind. Your camera should be sensitive in UV according to this but I would recommend to remove the AR window as it cuts 15% of the UV signal (be careful how you store it afterwards to avoid dust in the sensor).
  15. I tried what you said; took the true colour and applied to the synthetic green. Looks more subtle and natural in my eyes. It makes me want to have a good true colour image to 'correctly' balance my synthetic green. (As you commented before not true colours and open to interpretation).
  16. Thanks for the report and nice description of several targets that are not visible to us.
  17. I would have loved to see what you come up with as you are on of the top planet imagers. It would have put my processing into perspective (it has certainly helped with Jupiter and Mars). Thanks for the feedback and suggestions. Yes a lot of fun with the new camera and certainly worth the investment. The last image is from the colour camera so true colour with white balance. The false colour is also white balanced but is different from the true colour image. There are subtle similarities on the darker clouds, orange like appearance, I think. I could not increase saturation on the true colour as I was getting quite a bit of reddish at the bright edge rind. The yellow that you mention seems to be on other colour captures I have seen elsewhere. I didn't follow their colours but let my data and the software 'decide'. I am not sure I follow: So rather than colouring the synthetic layer as green, try match it to the colour of the last image? Happy to give it a go if that's what you meant.
  18. Thanks. These were the easiest to process without having to blow the edge. The UV clouds were visible during the capture despite the clouds. I got mine second hand on FB astro buy sell. It is the early version without the ddr3 but for our captures I don't need to worry. I don't do DSO so long exposures is not an issue. I have also removed the AR window.
  19. Thanks Stuart. It's a shame shooting through clouds as seeing was very stable even in colour. I attempted the colour shot as I had seen others pulling a lot of details as well.
  20. Thanks. I am still amazed that you can pick details visually and well impressed of your recent sketches. I am blown away when I compare them to my captures. That was by far the best stable imaging session without boiling effect.
  21. Sounds exciting coming over. If you will be at the south at all message me and you can come and use my Dob to observe some northern delights. I think if activity is high you can see them even in the south as we did this year. I remember when I lived in Scotland that they were visible regularly. The only issue is the weather 🥲.
  22. Back from the Easter holidays and I managed a very good imaging session of Venus despite the hazy clouds. The UV capture is showing a lot of details as well as the IR; i made a false colour image as well. I also managed a final colour capture that also shows cloud features, despite shooting through thicker clouds. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm and 462mc, UV, IR pass and UV/IR cut filters, 2.5x TV powermate. Image processing using Astrosurface, imageanalyzer and Gimp. Happy for comments and feedback. Image order: UV, IR, false colour, RGB. Resized 150%.
  23. Thanks Joe. That was one of the best displays I have ever seen. I thought you had the Aurora Australis, have you managed to see it or do you need to be further south?
  24. Thanks. Getting ISS there would be incredible but getting a close up would have lost the aurora. Not sure if it's possible to have it at less magnification.
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