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Everything posted by Kon

  1. You know I am joking 😁. Yes planet season is upon us and I am very excited to give it a good try. I am sure you will do wonders with the 12".
  2. You must have some amazing skies if you are rural.
  3. I can just imagine Stuart @Space Cowboywith his chaps and a cowboy hat looking down the Dob🤣.
  4. I cannot picture the two 😂 but are you observing from a farm?
  5. Thanks. Are you manually tracking or with software. Skywatcher has a tracking software for satellites. I am doing it manually so I make sure my finder scope and camera are aligned before capture (I always do a final alignment before the pass).
  6. ISS has been passing over UK 4 times a night this week but as we are blessed with beautiful skies I have only managed 2 captures last night 😂. Excellent transparency but awful seeing. I used my asi462mm with an IR 650nm and it was still awful but I still managed to get some details out. 'Large' ISS is at 88 degrees and the three 'smaller' ones at 63 degrees. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mm, IR pass and 2.5xTV powermate. Once I find the time I want to make an animation of the fly over (forecast is looking crap this week so it will be a nice distraction). I like the second image as it is showing the sun reflection.
  7. Excellent images. The clouds look really nice, and yes very similar to mine. I like the size comparison.
  8. Thanks Neil. I said in an earlier post you need a new astro purchase 😂. Just for reminder and FLO might be able to add it in their website if there is enough demand I am looking forward when you do manage Venus in the mornings.
  9. I agree and it gives confidence we are not just pulling noise out.
  10. Thanks Reggie for your complement. I am enjoying the constant change of the cloud structure.
  11. Another day and new cloud formation on Venus. Good transparency but awful seeing with the wind. Despite that some nice clouds in UV. 8" Dob, manual asi462mm, 2.5x TV powermate, UV and IR Astromania. False colour IR/sG/UV. Resized 150%
  12. Thanks. It is very dynamic and always new features. I am glad to have got into UV imaging.
  13. I am glad it helped you. I had a quick look through the eyepiece last week and I think I could see some subtle differences in brightness which must have been some clouds. Still exciting to see them as well as image them.
  14. Thanks. I thought the same when I was looking at it during processing.
  15. Spectacular! The rilles are really well defined. Is this with the 12"?
  16. I managed to capture some Venus clouds under good seeing yesterday afternoon. Quite happy with the features that I managed to pull considering they were not very obvious during the capture. False colour combining IR/sG/UV; I am satisfied with the colour balance. 8" Dob manual, asi 426mm, Astromania UV and IR pass filters, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 150%.
  17. Excellent image. A lot of activity there.
  18. I had the same issue with my 462c that I was at 14-20ms but since I got the 462m I am down to 3.5ms and 300fps at 640x480; I can compensate with higher gain as the noise is not too bad. You will love your 462m when it comes. I had the same exact behaviour. I will go back to my processing and see if that helps. I had Venus at 90 degrees in my sensor so flipping it for sharpening/noise reduction hadn't crossed my mind (or I never thought it would matter).
  19. Very interesting approach and it has clearly worked. I am not sure splitting the channels would give much better result, it will be down to colour balance and I feel you have nailed it. Good tip on rotting the image for the FDomain. I had struggled with my images , i will try the flipping. I have been out twice this week to get more UV images, but I have abandoned them; there is a thin cloud that is killing the captures; I see no details in my screen and I have to up the exposure to 6-9ms which brings the fps way down. I should have probably persevered as you have got really nice images even at 16fps.
  20. Kon

    Scarface Petavius

    Excellent sketch and so realistic.
  21. Excellent image and I think that's your best this season. Nice structure on the clouds. I noticed you have no IR. Did you add the UV as luminance on the RGB or as additional blue channel? I like the colour balance. To be, or not to be, that's the question! I think we are both losing our mind, you with William Shakespeare and me with numbers. To me it looks more like The Scream from Edvard Munch. 🤪
  22. Thanks. I need a clear afternoon to move away from the numbers 🤣. Interesting features nevertheless.
  23. Great that you are giving it a try. I have a 2013 MacBook Pro with quite a bit of ram and memory and I have no issues running 70000-90000 frames through pipp in no time, 5-10miba. As!3 is fast too. I stack 25-75% , depending on seeing, and it takes less than 5-10min. I use an external SSD for the processing. I hope you like it. I am running all the windows based processing software without a glitch (I only found pipp a bit buggy that I cannot get the window that displays the image to....well display one to select for image stabilisation, I do planetary and iss imaging mostly so the planetary feature works absolutely fine). You can see my processing with crossover in the planetary section. Message me if you need any help with it.
  24. Thanks Neil. Yes once you have seen it, it is there. Happy to keep imaging and see if we can get a winning pattern for the lottery 😂. I applied a bit more sharpening to the colour one which may explain the more defined structure.
  25. Thanks. I agree that the 9 could easily be seen as a 2 due to the longer cloud at its bottom. It's funny how brain can correlate random structures to familiar objects.
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