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Everything posted by Kon

  1. These look excellent especially doing the full processing on the mobile.
  2. I do mine in gimp too. A quick false colour based on your png files.
  3. You got really nice details at 31 degrees which I have not quite managed this season. Or it was a coincidence that my best weather was when I imaged higher up in the sky. Regarding finding it at 50 degrees, it is still bright in the finder scope, you cannot miss it. I eyeball on Stellarium where it is and I have a few features on my garden that tell me the relative position (mostly from my ISS captures) and I scan up and down/left right. It takes 10 minutes or so. My wife says I have way too much patience to be doing this kind of hobby (even for my visual sessions).
  4. Excellent image Stuart. The clouds are so dynamic and always new features.
  5. Thanks. Nudging can work if you know how it's going to pass from the cross hair of the finderscope. Tracking I am following it to be at the crosshair of the finderscope . I do both during a capture.
  6. Some good weather last night and I managed a good ISS capture. During processing I noticed a nice strong sun reflection from the radiators. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter, 2.5x TV powermate.
  7. Thanks. I am still amazed that you can pull cloud details visually. Did you use some filters? I have visually seen Venus clouds only once.
  8. Thanks John. Not much of Magic Circle but really good conditions. It makes a huge difference.
  9. Thanks. I could see the clouds during the capture which was a good sign of seeing conditions.
  10. Thanks Stuart. I am realising that Venus needs to be at 50 degrees for decent captures. The rest of the weekend and week are looking good so I hope you manage some nice captures.
  11. Despite the high winds, seeing was excellent and I managed to pull some nice Venus clouds yesterday. 8" Dob , manual, asi462mm, 2.5x TV powermate, Astromania IR and UV filters. False colour IR/sG/UV. Resized 150%.
  12. Thanks. Yes very soft. It's looking promising today but very windy.
  13. It's funny the games our eyes play. I agree at least a 9 and something next to it 😂. The bottom is the right orientation.
  14. Awful conditions for capturing high resolution images. I managed a UV capture before clouds rolled it. I can see the phantom of the opera 'UV' but if I flip to the correct way round a 69. @NenoVento has similar features in his post so it is not just my imagination. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, 2.5xTV powermate, Astromania UV filter. Resized 150%.
  15. Very nice. I got similar features to yours from my capture this afternoon.
  16. Very nice. The latest one has nice details. I like the comparison.
  17. In that case the movement is likely to be a true one than just noise.
  18. Very nice UV image. To make a false colour I followed this site but I am making changes as I go along but it will get you going https://www.thelondonastronomer.com/it-is-rocket-science/2019/1/4/imaging-the-planet-venus If you do a false colour, process the IR to only be sharp enough without any edge rind as it will help with the colour balance. I have seen cloud moving before from other imagers so possibly; what is the time frame between them? I think you need a good 30min between captures.
  19. Thanks. I wish the weather was better to pull more details but I am very pleased what I get with my setup.
  20. Thanks. I agree that's amazing what we can get especially with our simple setups. I wish the seeing was better.
  21. Another ISS pass under awful seeing again last night. This time I opted for the colour camera as I enjoy bringing out the colours. Not super sharp but happy with the result. I am intrigued with the shadow on one of the HRS Radiators in the second image as I have not seen it before. I know a new Radiator was installed in one of the modules and it is maybe capturing it? First image at approach from the W horizon and second overhead (looks much larger). 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate, UV/IR cut filter.
  22. Great report and the location looks great.
  23. Great report Joe. I really enjoyed reading it.
  24. Excellent capture despite the single run. The clouds are defined really nicely. Out of curiosity, how long are your movies? I am doing 5-7min without derotation. My attempt from yesterday is not worth posting as it is way too fuzzy (although i see similar structure to yours). You must have got the nicer weather.
  25. So it's the case of getting on it before it can track? I do it manually with a 640x480 capture window with just my finderscope. I hope you get it to work. It's looking promising tonight.
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