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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks Stuart. That June week was just amazing, wasn't it? I still got out despite knowing the Jetstream was overhead as I wanted to have something to play with. July seems to be a write off.
  2. Thanks. Yes it was an early wake up but nice to be out and see Jupiter for the first time this apparition.
  3. I had a go at Saturn and Jupiter this morning (4am). I did not bother with colour captures as I could not get any focus due to the jetstream. The IR faired better. I tried some methane captures but they looked awful as focus was keep and going. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, IR 685, 2.5x TV powermate.
  4. Good captures under the conditions. I have only managed a single Saturn in June and nothing else since then.
  5. Excellent image and worth it to be out. Well done @AstroNebulee!
  6. The weather has been awful most nights and I have missed most of the good high altitude ISS passes this summer. While I was setting up last night, it started raining but it cleared within 10 minutes of ISS. I used an IR pass filter and the focus star was still jumping like crazy. Despite this, I managed a few ok images as it was at 89 degrees. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mm, IR pass, 2.5x TV powermate.
  7. Excellent image and the closeup has a nice 3d depth to it.
  8. When I initially tried my 462mc with the same filter, I had the ghosting and couldn't pull any details. It is a lot less sensitive to UV than my 462mm. I have not used it since I went mono. Someone was getting really nice images with the 462mc and a #47/ir block filter so it's not completely unresponsive. 8pm is getting quite low on horizon and it will lose more signal. Have you tried daylight, 6-7?
  9. Excellent image and as always noise free.
  10. I really like it, nice details. Is that with the new mono?
  11. That looks awful. I see what you mean; exceptionally brief moment of good seeing with really sharp Cassini division that disappears in no time. I agree it does not look like jestream as you do not have the boiling effect. It reminds me of the sessions last year, same effect when we had the hot summer months. Let's hope it stabilises. This year the jetstream seems to have missed us.
  12. Excellent images! It will be interesting to see how this one evolves over the next few days.
  13. Thanks Reggie. I am surprised how well this cheap filter is performing in combination with the mono camera.
  14. Thanks. That stable seeing really helped.
  15. We are fighting with the elements in UK but as we always say, good fun being out. Looking forward to Jupiter.
  16. Thanks Neil. I hardly had to push the sharpening on this one. It's the reason I go for daylight imaging, a lot more stable. As we said in our messaging earlier, I thought Saturn would have been amazing but got up to clouds and your Saturn image confirmed that seeing was past it's best.
  17. Thanks. Very pleased with the result. I wish we had seeing conditions like this more often.
  18. Thanks Nik. I am glad you had a good visual session. I also took a look at the eyepiece as the kids were very kin to look at it and it easily took the magnification; the bright limbs were apparent. They both said 'that's the moon'. The crescent and larger size is obvious at the finderscope too. Unfortunately the weather deteriorated quickly as I got up at 3am to image Saturn and it was all cloudy and in typical British weather fashion it's pouring with rain now.
  19. Although I said my Venus UV season is over, I could not resist a quick capture under the summer sun yesterday afternoon. To my surprise the seeing was amazing as if the atmosphere had disappeared; it held focus and no boiling effect. Much better than the 3+4 June captures. Venus has really increased in size but the surface area is much smaller. It seems that its surface is covered in clouds. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, Astromania UV and IR filters, 2.5x TV powermate (I wish I had a bigger powermate as I could have easily gone to f20; I am currently at f15). False colour and resized 150%.
  20. Excellent first light with the 462m. You are almost starting to get the cassini division all the way around.
  21. Saturn is looking pretty good despite the conditions; Cassini division is quite sharp for a colour capture ( assume with an ADC as well?). I am with you on avoiding blending data to make things look better than they are. I am looking forward what you can do with the 462mm.
  22. Very nice images. I really like the IR one with its subtle details. The colour ones look good as well but a tad oversharpened (?). Seeing must have been good this morning with no jet stream but I did not manage to get up. How did Saturn fare if you captured any?
  23. Very nice crescent Venus.
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