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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Excellent set of images. It seems the RGB capture of Saturn is helping to pull nice sharp images.
  2. Thanks Stuart. I have not managed any decent colour image this apparition. Even IR is not sharp, a lot of boiling effect.
  3. Yes midnight the first one and then around 1 or so the second. First was NE and second W. Yes passing clouds too.
  4. I have managed quite a few and a couple of very bright greenish ones tonight.
  5. Thanks. It's pretty straightforward to copy and paste the moons. Message me if you need any help.
  6. Not the best conditions last night so I only had a go at Saturn with my IR filter. I recently got hold of a ZWO IR 742 filter and it seems to have been a bit better under the conditions last night compared to the 685. The image did not take much sharpening. Tethys (top right) and Rhea (bottom left) are also visible when I up the histogram. This is a composite to add the moons on the non stretched image. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, IR pass 742, 2.5xTV powermate.
  7. Indeed, very encouraging. Excellent image from nearly 11 years ago. No wonder you have the eye for smooth processing.
  8. Thanks Stuart. I really appreciate the honest feedback. I agree that I was drawn to the 'fine details ' but I know what you mean.
  9. I use the drift method where i let the planet pass through my sensor, recentre and repeat; I do not stop the captures in betweem. I have my RACI and camera aligned together so it is a bit easier to do this process. I use a tight window 640x480 so a bit of work. I should be able to use the full sensor in FC and set a ROI but I have not come around doing it yet. I do my focusing manually too. It's a bit of work but I still enjoy it. Let me know if you have other questions.
  10. Steroids hopefully out of the system 😂
  11. Thanks Stuart. I will try again🤣
  12. I think that's a lot better even on big screen. It has a lot more details and still being subtle.
  13. Looking at my Jupiter image from yesterday, I feel it was sharpened on steroids and it was rather unpleasing to my eye. I think the new rendition is much better. I also played with the colour balance. edit: thanks Stuart @Space Cowboy for your feedback that even my last version was still on steroids 😂. . A much smoother processing now. I think this warmer colour balance is probably better too.
  14. I agree with Martyn above that the 414 is much better in terms of details. From my experience, drizzling usually has a negative effect and I cannot get back as much details. It will be interesting to see your combined derotated images without the drizzle. The edge rind on the left can also be tidied in registax with deringing bright side option (just a very min-mild level)
  15. Thanks Martyn. I agree that the single shots had quite a bit of details. I feel I may have pushed the first image a bit, but I am sure there will be enough cloudy nights for going back to it. I resized the single stack for comparison, and I added at the top of the post.
  16. Thanks Stuart. The conditions were really good. I only stopped capturing as it was getting quite bright and I knew colour balance will be really off. Let's hope for more clear skies.
  17. @dweller25@teoria_del_big_bang@chiltonstar@Astroscot2 Thanks you gents! I appreciate your comments.
  18. Thanks. Let's hope we get more of this seeing.
  19. And a single stack of one of the best captures of the morning.
  20. The weather did not disappoint this morning. Atmosphere was super stable, reminiscent of the early June day captures I was doing with Venus. This is probably my best Jupiter since I started the hobby. Jupiter is showing some really nice details. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut, 2.5x TV powermate. 7x180s derotation. edit: as per @morimartyMartyn's suggestion the single stack next to the derotated for comparison.
  21. Indeed the seeing was excellent this morning. Even Saturn was good at 330am. The high elevation is really helpings us. I think my best captures were a bit later at ~445 as at around 4 i could not get a very sharp focus; maybe some passing unstable seeing. But as you said not a hint of atmospheric disturbance. Looking forward to your derotated images.
  22. Very nice images and colour balance Stuart. It seems both the mirror cleaning and the new camera are performing nicely. I assume you will be stacking a few images later on. Seeing was fantastic this morning. I have loads of captures to go through later tonight.
  23. I missed you used RGB filters. Even more impressive as it needs consistent good seeing to get sharp images. Like Stuart said, the best I have seen from UK.
  24. Thanks. Considering the conditions it came out ok.
  25. Excellent images and so sharp Cassini division. Are these single captures or combined captures and derotated?
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