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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks. I think it's quite favourable this year so worth trying if you can.
  2. New image looks much sharper and better banding on the planet.
  3. Collimation (star test) was spot on before starting. We had similar experience with Neil last summer with good seeing but hard to focus. It was much better this morning but ruined by clouds.
  4. Very nice image and colour balance. Hard to tell about details on Callisto (a good sign is if you can see them prior to wavelets). You may want to reduce the wavelets a bit (I am also guilty of over doing it sometimes). You can even up the saturation a bit more.
  5. Thanks. Quite pleased with the colour balance but a bit disappointed with the lack of details due to the seeing.
  6. Excellent images, especially the Saturn. I have almost given up on it in colour. Jupiter looks great too. It was a funny morning 16th. A friend of mine 20miles from me got an outstanding Jupiter. So it must have been localised instability.
  7. Very nice image and I like your processing. The GRS looks really good.
  8. I am sorry to hear. I thought it was a UK wide decent weather the last couple of days. I hope you get a break.
  9. Thanks, but a bit disappointed as I had high hopes for a good seeing.
  10. Thanks Martyn. I am looking forward to your capture. The polar hood is quite prominent this year. I want to try under better conditions.
  11. I was looking forward to the weather this morning but somehow it was not good seeing. The captures were stable but I could not get focus. I tried to derotate 20min of data but it was not good. These are the best two captures at 431 and 459; in the second image Europa (the few pixels on the right) comes out of Jupiter's shadow and a few minutes later it will be behind the planet. 8" Dob, asi462mc, uv/ir cut filter and 2.5xTV powermate.
  12. Looks great and you are brave without a goto to find it so close to the sun.
  13. Thanks Stuart. It was the Astromania IR (it passes from 650).
  14. First Uranus for this year. I captured in IR and the northern polar hood is showing nicely as the bright disc. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, 2.5xTV powermate, IR pass. Resized to 200%. IR is false coloured.
  15. Excellent set of images. Nice Cassini division. It seems collimation was spot on. It's meant to be really good weather without Jetstream tonight and tomorrow night .
  16. Yes you need to remove the UV/IR cut filter and use your pass one. Unless it was some confusion(?); for Venus you may want an IR cut only but no UV cut (Astronomik have this) and then stack it with a W47 filter. Bus as Geoff said you will not get IR through like this.
  17. I have 610, 685 and 742. I agree with what Vlaiv and Geoff said. I have not managed a good Saturn this apparition as I see a boiling effect even with the IR filters. My better IR image was from the 742 filter but I usually prefer the 610/685 as you can pull more details. See my post here for comparison with the two filters (you probably need to scroll down a bit to see the 685): https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/412576-saturn-with-tethys-and-rhea-110823/ I have the 462mc which is quite sensitive to IR. If I were you, I would go for a 610 to 685 as it will have more resolving power especially with Jupiter higher this year. You may want to consider the Astromania set of filters (that's what I use in addition to the ZWO 742); you also get a nice UV and methane filter. They are currently on offer in Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Astromania-1-25-Inch-Specialized-Planetary-Ultraviolet/dp/B07C3K7J16?th=1 I made a little review a while back: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/409518-astromania-filters-for-planetary-imaging-review/
  18. Thanks Neil. I hope you have managed to get out. The weather is looking great for the next two nights.
  19. Excellent idea. I will be placing an order soon. I think RGB on Saturn might be possible (Sir Kostas, I like the sound of it 😂) but without tracking etc etc easy task not a chance.
  20. Good point Stuart. I am not big fan of adding IR data to RGB to make them look nicer. I could try shoot with RGB filters but without tracking that can be complicated quite quickly even with derotation. Let's see if the forecast for Wed and Thursday morning holds as I want to try again but I think without having an ADC, getting a decent colour image will be hard for me.
  21. Thanks Martyn. My thoughts on trying the 742 was that going deeper into red I may have a bit more stable capture, and I think it kind of 'worked'. Wed and Thursday morning are looking really good so I will try again. This is the 685 capture for comparison: (I do not pay much attention to what aperture is better with a specific filter. I got some stunning Venus UV images earlier this season with my 8" (which in theory should not have been easy), so it is all about experimenting and trying, at least for me.). I think with new generation cameras and their IR sensitivity, I think we can pull more signal even with the smaller mirrors.
  22. Excellent final image. Really nice details and natural. I like the colours too. Is this a new feature?
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