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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks Reggie. If the weather plays ball, I can get a few more 😉
  2. Thanks Nik. Yes around 6. There were very thin clouds passing. I had a visual as well and it was very stable, so although Jetstream is above us it's not affecting seeing too much.
  3. The conditions were not as good as yesterday but I managed a capture for the record of Jupiter with Europa and GRS just coming into view. 4x120s derotation. My 8" Dob setup.
  4. Thanks Stuart, much appreciated. I like the simplicity of manual but as my wife says 'way too much patience '. I hope you sort your collimation soon as tonight and this weekend is looking promising.
  5. Yes many of these and even more pushed. I think getting this natural feeling is hard although our eyes are drawn to the details we need to know our setup limitations. I have been really bad this apparition pushing it but I think I have found my medium.
  6. Excellent Saturn. You have got really nice banding on the planet and the rest is not overdone. The moons give it a nice depth.
  7. Thanks Simon. I wish we had more good runs rather than sporadic. I think there is room for getting more details if I could get more captures.
  8. Thank you. I think it is getting smaller; I have read similar reports from others. I should look at older captures for compariosn.
  9. Thanks Mark. Good time to do it this year as it is high up.
  10. Thanks Martyn. I am very pleased how well it came; i went through over 10 iterations yesterday to get to this result. It is so easy to go overboard.
  11. Yes give it a try this year as it is in favourable position.
  12. Thanks Maurizio. It is not as difficult as it sounds it just takes a bit longer and a lot of patience 😅.
  13. I had a go at Jupiter yesterday morning but seeing was quite weird; it started really awful between 4-530 and then it became all stable for 20min before the fog and clouds came. I messed a lot with processing yesterday, mostly over sharpening it. I think this has a nice pleasing appearance with details still coming through around the GRS (happy for your feedback). 4x120s derotation. My usual 8" Dob setup.
  14. Martyn you are killing Saturn in UK! Excellent images and I like the colour balance on the planet. I have seen a handful of good Saturn's this year.
  15. Thanks Simon. We need more good weather 🙃.
  16. Very nice images Martyn. Lots of details with natural appearance.
  17. Nice image and comparison of the tilt Chris. I haven't managed a decent colour capture this year yet.
  18. Very nice image despite the conditions. (You seem to have a blue cast at the edges).
  19. Excellent images Simon. It seems you had much better seeing on Saturn as the Cassini division is nice and sharp.
  20. I think it has more depth to it. The animation came out nicely too.
  21. Still a very nice result; I assume you will be derotating a few later. I find early mornings more prone to silly errors; the other day I forgot to remove the front cover and I could not work out why I could not see Jupiter on my capture screen 🤣.
  22. Very nice Stuart. Did you manage some of the transit?
  23. I managed a good session on Jupiter despite the winds, passing clouds and jetstream. This was captured at 530am so it was fairly light outside. The seeing was very stable but clouds ruined the fun. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. 2x120s derotation. I think I have been soft with the wavelets but happy to be told otherwise 🙃.
  24. I agree. I think I got over jealous with my sharpening, but Stuart was very helpful to guide me to a more natural processing. Like you said, part of the fun.
  25. It's a different way to see them. I think with better seeing I might be able to get more details.
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