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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks Simon. I think the next 2-3 days are looking really good. I am looking forward to your Jupiter judging from your Saturn!
  2. Thanks Stuart. I am burning the night candle both sides this weekend πŸ˜…. I also have an ISS moon transit at 2am (it will be my first transit); maybe sleep and be up at 5 for the GRS. Did you manage to get out this morning?
  3. Some very good seeing this morning. Jupiter was quite stable although the good moments were coming and going. I got 7 captures but only 2 were very good (any other day I would have been happy with the other 5 too). Derotated 2x120s. 8" Dob (manual), asi462mc and 2.5xTC powermate. Resized to 120%.
  4. Excellent captures Simon. The colour one is especially nice.
  5. Thanks. No Jetstream the next couple of days as well, so it should be good.
  6. Thanks Mark. I like how the filters bring out slightly different details on Saturn. Jupiter could have been amazing last night if it wasn't for the passing clouds. Maybe tonight πŸ™ƒ.
  7. Thanks Stuart. Yes Jupiter very promising last night. This is a single 120s stack as the passing clouds messed up the histogram to continue capturing and derotate. It's looking very good for tonight.
  8. Very stable seeing last night but the thin clouds were making captures a bit softer. I managed my best Saturn for this apparition. I got OSC, IR and CH4 captures. Image #1 wide field in IR with the moons Rhea, Dione, Tethys and Titan, #2 IR close up, #3 CH4, #4 composite false colour IR/CH4, #5 OSC and #6 Jupiter with the GRS. 8" Dob, manual, asi 462mc or mm. UV and IR pass filters or UV/IR cut.
  9. The UK weather played ball for 10min to see the blue supermoon and catch a few snaps. That's through hazy clouds. 8" Dob and Nikon D3200 (exposure 1/1000s and iso 100). Stacked 18 frames and enhanced in Gimp to bring the mineral colours out.
  10. Nice and I like the comparison. Very obvious difference in size.
  11. I was getting my telescope ready for some closeup of the blue supermoon when I noticed the rainbow reflection on the left. I think the right term is moon dog. Captured with pixel4a on night mode.
  12. Nice capture and colour. I have overlooked it this year.
  13. What a sight and a capture! I didn't realise you were that close to the launching site. Yes that pole has to go! πŸ’₯
  14. Thanks. I was not aware of this time analogy, gosh! I like visual on Uranus and Neptune just because of the shear distance from us, and still we can see the disc.
  15. Thanks. I think I am burning the night candle both sides these days for bad seeing 😭. I don't have an ADC as I am hand tracking and it will be quite complicated to do it. I am looking forward to your images when you start.
  16. Thanks. Funny you say this, as I had a go at ISS this morning πŸ˜‰ but none of the frames were good due to bad seeing.
  17. Not the best conditions this morning. Although the seeing was stable, it was hard to get focus and it was coming and going (jetstream was overhead). Uranus faired better in IR showing the north polar hood nicely (IR false colour). Jupiter is ok with some details (5x120s derotation). My 8" Dob setup.
  18. ....Found it....☺️. Excellent image Martyn.i really like the processing. Natural but still a lot of details and even Io seems to have some details?
  19. Excellent!!! I need to go find your other post. The shadow almost casts it's shadow inside the GRS but it's happening at the edge. It would have been cool.
  20. Nice images and comparison Reggie. It was all cloudy for Saturn last night. Maybe tonight.
  21. Super smooth animation. The shadow is really sharp. How does the stacked images look?
  22. Thanks Chris. It's awful isn't it. I feel that the whole summer passed us by. There's hope πŸ€.
  23. Thank you, very kind. Let's see if we get a clear spell at opposition.
  24. I managed a few Saturn captures this morning before its opposition. Awful conditions but the IR helped with the Cassini division and three moons are also visible too: Tethys (on the left), Enceladus (on the right) land Rhea (below it). 7x120s derotation. The moons were stretched on original capture and have been overlayed on the final image.
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