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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks Reggie. It came out better than I thought but not really worth staying up .
  2. Thanks Mark.i thought it's good to take advantage of the nice weather.
  3. Yes very pleased with that. I got it in in two more magazines so very happy. I need to find time to post it here.
  4. For methane it should not matter as long as the colour has good IR sensitivity as your mono. Looking forward to your posts.
  5. Thanks John. In this pass ISS was in the shadow thus the dark body. I think the movie helped and then extract the frames. The UK weather is not that cooperative for transits.
  6. Thanks Stuart. I have one more set of ISS captures to process and I can sleep tight tonight.😆
  7. Yes it was come and going. For the derotation it wasn't consecutive captures so quite turbulent.
  8. My body is really feeling it with the late nights this weekend. After I was done with the ISS transit at 2am, I shot a few Jupiter videos and an ISS high resolution capture at 5ish (to be processed). Seeing was stable but focusing was hard. Despite this I managed 8 videos of which 3 were derotated (120s each). My usual 8" Dob setup.
  9. Thanks. Yes I have the transit time from here: https://transit-finder.com/ I started recording the video 1min beforehand and 1 min after to be safe. ISS is pretty good with the times predicted to pass. I did a good high resolution imaging 2hrs later and it was spot on the time and trajectory.
  10. Thanks Steve. I am done, my brain says no more 4 hr night sleeps. That's my pattern since Friday night. I hope you manage to get it.
  11. Yes I have seen his work. My worry was that with the 200P and the small FOV of the asi I would miss it (I am all manual so quite easy for moon to drift of). I think a reducer would have been helpful. I will look into it as my capture of the ISS 2hrs later was really nice ( need to process the images to post later).
  12. Thanks Mandy. I am glad to have got it but I would love to try with my asi next time as I know I can get really nice images of ISS with it. I should have mentioned I was in movie mode so not much clicking 😁.
  13. Thanks. Yes I have been waiting over 2 years for a transit that has not been ruined by clouds.
  14. Yes frustrating, especially the forecast was good. The rest of the week might be ok (I am giving it a miss as I need a good rest 🤪)
  15. International Space Station moon transit (04/09/23). 8" Dob, manual, NikonD3200. Edited in Gimp and a 30 frame gif in PIPP.
  16. I have finally managed to get an ISS moon transit this morning. Not the highest resolution as I had to use my Nikon D3200 to fit the full moon and I even missed some at the bottom as ISS was about to pass. I am still very happy to have got it. 8" Dob, manual, Nikon D3200 iso 400 and 1/4000s.
  17. Very nice image Stuart. Nice details despite the conditions. I suffered from a thin cloudy haze, although Jovial moos looked sharp, Jupiter was hard to get good focus. I need to go through my captures later tonight.
  18. Thanks Reggie. Trying to get the most of the good seeing we are having this week.
  19. Very nice image and excellent processing. Some details on Ganymede too.
  20. Thanks. I think the methane filter is interesting as it reveals where methane is found on it's atmosphere.
  21. Thanks Stuart. Just a different way to see features but can't beat OSC data.
  22. After my OSC capture this morning I had a go with my IR/UV/CH4 filters. The IR is showing some really nice features and the methane shows the brighter poles. The UV and methane are a bit softer. Each filter has been derotated to the IR capture (3x120s); not derotated to the OSC so there is a small rotational difference. False colour UV (blue)/ IR (green) / CH4 (red). It looks quite psychedelic but I like the differences with the OSC. #1 false colour, #OSC for comparison, #3IR, #4 CH4 and #5 UV.
  23. Yes very stable this few days. Looking forward to your planets.
  24. That's sharp! Great capture.
  25. Thanks Michael. I think I am getting my hand on making it to look natural (although I am always tempted to push more). Hats off to @Space CowboyStuart for not holding his "punches" back on previous posts and on our offline chats.
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