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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Good point on the drizzle. Should I downsample before or after wavelets?
  2. Thanks Stuart. It reminded me when I was capturing Venus back in June, super stable. I am sure there's more to these captures so I will be revisiting at some point. I hope you had a nice holiday. The weather has been nice 🙂.
  3. Thanks. I wish we had weather like this more often. I hope you managed a good Saturn capture.
  4. I managed my best ever Jupiter capture yesterday morning. It was as if the atmosphere had disappeared and Jupiter just stayed still. I have 1.5hrs worth of videos but these are my best 5 images that I derotated. Callisto might be showing some details too. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter and 2.5x TV powermate. Resized to 120%.
  5. Excellent image. Loads of details and natural looking. GRS is having nice defined details too. This morning was exceptionally good. I have 1.5hrs worth of data to go through.
  6. Excellent images. Hard to tell they are mosaics, nicely put together. Excellent details in the full images.
  7. Very nice image and processing. A lot of nice details.
  8. Fantastic images Martyn. Excellent Saturn with Cassinin division all the way around 😉. The Jupiter is just stunning, colour balance and details.
  9. 😄. I agree less is more. Both Neil and Stuart having been great to guide me on processing, and super helpful offline too.
  10. Will pm you! You make it sound mysterious, you have to tell us the magic behind these excellent images 😉
  11. Nice and it seems that you have pulled more details next to the GRS but I wonder how the 11min would look with your normal approach. I found with my recent Jupiter images, a tiny bit of wavelets, sharpening with denoise in Astrosurface pull a bit more details without being too much; you could even use it as a luminance 60-70% over your softer image. Worth giving it a try.
  12. Thanks. I always have a soft spot for ISS. I need to find the time to process a capture from earlier this week.
  13. Thank you both. I hope we get more stable seeing this weekend.
  14. Thanks Simon . It would be nice to have some consistently good weather.
  15. Nice result. I think the derotation has helped to bring nice details around GRS. It's much better than the single stack.
  16. I think Stuart and I had a similar experience yesterday. Good seeing but hard to get to focus. I know what you mean about tiredness. I had a 10hr solid sleep last night to catch up from the weekend but it is looking good the rest of the week...hhmmmmm. (By the way, I just noticed you have a new account/username).
  17. Great images Simon. Jupiter full of details and a really sharp Saturn.
  18. Even if you follow their tutorial you should get going, otherwise plenty of YouTube videos. It's pretty straightforward. I find Astrosurface to give better stacking results on moon when as!3 has failed.
  19. Nice capture. I assume it is at daytime thus the bluish sky?
  20. I hadn't used my Niko for 2 years now as I use my asi462 for all my captures. Transits are not that often but a reducer might be handy to have for another event. I will take a look at your moon.
  21. You are really lucky being close to the launch/landing site. It must be quite a spectacle !
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