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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Very nice images. Your methane has some nice details coming through plus bang on the GRS 🤩. The IR is excellent. You seem to have had very good seeing, did you try any colour captures?
  2. Excellent image and processing. Did you derotate the captures as you seem to have some nice constant seeing at the beginning of the animation. The animation is really smooth.
  3. Thanks Maurizio. The 'haze' is from overstretching the image to show the weak methane absorption on the globe. I think with more data it should be easier to pop and avoid this.
  4. Thanks Simon. When I resized it at 120% it was losing the sharpness and was becoming softer and noisy.
  5. I agree and I think it's probably my last imaging of it unless we get spectacular seeing.
  6. I had a decent Saturn session on the 15 Sep, probably the most stable I have seen it this apparition. I captured an OSC image which is ok but the IR and methane came out nice; I created a false colour by trying to match the methane colour to its absorption band pass but of course IR is not blue 😉; more artistic interpretation than true colours. CH4 is 30 min derotation. 8" Dob, asi 462mm, 2.5xTV powermate, IR and CH4 filters.
  7. Very nice set of images. Saturn has come out nicely.
  8. Excellent image. Colour balance is excellent and the details you have brought out in your processing. Opposition should provide us with an excellent opportunity for better images.
  9. Thank you both. I think seeing is a big factor but careful collimation also helps.
  10. International Space Station from 04/09/23. First time trying to make a 'high resolution' animation. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. 20000 frames with ISS and hand picked every 500 to stack and create a frame. It is capturing the approach, zenith and departure. Not great seeing that night.
  11. International Space Station two hours after the moon transit above (04/09/23). 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. 20000 frames with ISS and hand picked every 500 to stack and create a frame. It is capturing the approach, zenith and departure. Not great seeing that night.
  12. Excellent images. It was really good last night. I was told by a friend that the night before was even better.
  13. Thanks Peter . As long as I get 4-6hrs sleep I am fine. I was up this morning again but not good seeing so I was back in bed. The idea of the platform is good and I have started looking into a DIY from the excellent SGL topic on it. I should do it over the winter for next season.
  14. Great shots. I would love to see it one day. You didn't, did you? 💣 💥 🤣
  15. Thank you very much. You lot are awful.🤣 Neil has been pushing me to get tracking, some offline discussions are inclining that way too. I like the simplicity of getting the dob in and out, good to go once the mirrors are cool. But I can see how having a better setup will vastly improve my captures....hhhmmmmm🙃
  16. Thanks. I am making my life difficult , don't I?🤣. An ADC would be nice but with manual is another challenge to battle.
  17. Thanks. Let's take it offline (I am also down the road from you).
  18. Thanks Stuart. Who needs Barbados when we have sunny Wiltshire 🤣?! All cloudy now 😂
  19. Another excellent morning for imaging; excellent transparency and stability. Jupiter in OSC and Uranus in IR showing its northern polar hood (false colour). 8" Dob, manual, asi 462mc or mm, 2.5xTV powermate, UV/IR cut or IR pass. Jupiter is a derotation of 2x120s and Uranus 8min capture.
  20. Excellent image and processing. Cassini division looks great.
  21. Thanks for trying. It seems there is some loss of details especially around the polar ends. As Stuart suggested I should try drizzle in as!3. I will be revisiting these data when I have some time.
  22. Yes experiment with the bad seeing even then you will see some differences and when the good seeing comes you will have a good feeling what to try. Keep an eye on Jetstream charts too.
  23. Yes if you don't have the details you will not recover them. I tried to push your image but it's soft. The dew might be an issue. I don't have one either. Do you cool your telescope long enough? I usually leave mine out for a good 1hr. Regarding location, I have a friend 20miles from me and we have both been out imaging at the same time and target and one of us can have better or worse seeing than the other, so local conditions will affect your seeing. By the way, what time did you image Jupiter? I usually aim at it's highest point. These days I am imagining between 4-530am.
  24. I only sharpen 20% before winjupos and then do my processing. This is one of the best stacks; 25% of 25000 frames at 5.5ms. 2023-09-09-0400_8-Jupiter_pipp_lapl4_ap164.tif
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