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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Very nice image. Very nice fine details. Do you find video derotation better than the tiff derotation?
  2. I would have though the paracorr to be more beneficial for DSO as the planets drift fairly quickly from the sides (I am sure as!3 sorts these if there is an issue). An ADC would be better but again hard on manual (looking to diy a platform when I have some time).
  3. Sad face for the clouds. I am eager to get out but Jetstream is looking awful. The weekend is looking promising. Thanks for the image. It looks nice and better than my derotated attempt last night. I was introduced to imageanalyzer by Stuart. Worth a play. It has several nice features.
  4. Thanks for the processing. Looks nice. Good tips on capture but with the 462 I haven't been too worried about noise. Even close to maxing the gain on methane or UV captures I can manage the noise ok. I may have been a bit conservative here. Regarding metaguide I have read about it but I am not sure how easy it will be with my manual dob. I will give it a try. I always check collimation by star test before capture and I think it is more of focusing in this case. I have just upgraded to a dual focuser.
  5. Thanks Geof. Sorry, I flip them before Winjupos for orientation, I should have done it before uploading here. I let Winjupos measure and adjust accordingly. You can use Io as a guide at the bottom left too. Regarding Astrosurface, I am finding it a lot better these days. On the 358 image, I can't reproduce these details even with hard pushing in registax. When I am back on my laptop I will message you a screenshot of my initial parameters at least for this image. I also did a mild sharpening too in Astrosurface. I like the denoise on Astrosurface too but somehow colour denoise is a bit aggressive and I use imageanalyzer. I tend to throw a bit of the best features of each software to get to the final image. I also tried x1.5 drizzle in as!3 but it didn't improve things too much, similar to your experience.
  6. The fact that it's a mag ~2 is awful. Late October it will have some high passes, looks like a slower iss. Check on heavens above site.
  7. Thanks Geof. Yes I tried a bit more processing; I tried two ways. 1. tiny wavelets in Registax and then in winjupos and then back to Registax/Astrosurface. 2. Nearly done in registax but I found that i could not push more after winjupos. I am happy to share the images. These are the two best ones straight after as!3. The 358 capture is the one reprocessed, although the 400 should be as good but winjupos made a softer output. 2023-09-09-0358_4-Jupiter_pipp_lapl4_ap288.tif2023-09-09-0400_8-Jupiter_pipp_lapl5_ap171.tif
  8. Yes awful. The fact that it is a naked eye bright object is quite alarming. I don't know if more will be launched but it is worrying.
  9. Spot on and that's what I noticed after a careful analysis of all the tiffs. looking forward to the software but I though it already exists and it is called ticket to Barbados!🤣
  10. Sorry, I should have said I stacked a 120s video capture; the capture has around 25000 frames. In this instance I used 50%, 12500 frames to make the tiff above. My exposure was 5ms. Do not worry about the gain as we have different cameras; what you are aiming is to have a histogram of 50-70%. Once you have the exposure set, then play with the gain to bring it to that level. Derotation can help and it certainly helped when I was doing the Venus captures back in June. The other images where a bit softer that did not help with derotation. Pointed by Geof and Stuart above too.
  11. The first 3 of the stack where 'softer' compared to the last two after careful inspection, but somehow the ladt two where very similar but derotation did not help (they were sharper pre-winjupos). I derotate the tiffs. I have never derotated a video. Much of an advantage?
  12. Thanks Mark. The main difference is that this image is a stack of 120s rather than derotation of 5x120s. Even derotating the best 2x120s was giving a softer result; still better than the original but the finer details are better on the single stack.
  13. Thanks Maurizio. I suppose cloudy nights are good for revisiting nice data.
  14. It feels ages since we had that amazing night in UK. I have not done any Jupiter imaging since that session! I reprocessed the image. After careful analysis it seems that derotation did not help, even between two continuous captures; lost quite a bit of details. This is the best single capture. First image is the new version and the second is the original I posted on 9th September. Let me know your thoughts.
  15. Yes an overkill. As Mandy said you will not get more out of it you just amplifying the bad conditions more. If you unscrew your barlow and scew the lens on your camera it will roughly be 1.5x. Keep an eye on the maps and try when it's higher up. Make sure you cool the telescope too. I let mine cool for 1hr.
  16. It is unlikely you will get anything decent tonight. Look at the Jetstream. That will cause havoc in your seeing. Scotland hot red, Wiltshire a bit better. I am not getting out with this map😜 What you describe is fine. Regarding focus, it takes time. Until this weekend, I had a box standard focuser. I just upgraded. You will get a feeling when it is good focusing. Try overxpose the planet a bit but go back to a 60-70 histogram for capture. F10 is the native focal ratio? You need to be at 5x the pixel size, maybe x7 under excellent seeing, optimal f15 for your camera. If you are at F10 native, then a x1.5 barlow will do.
  17. I said amongst other parameters. 😉. What you have posted above is decent. Assuming all fine and only seeing, then it is awful seeing you have and I usually don't bother with capture. Exposure time will have an effect together with FPS, f ratio, camera (I am not familiar with svbony) , focusing, sorry seeing, processing. If you want help, try listen to us. As you can see we are all trying to help you out. I started serious planetary imaging in 2022 so not a seasoned imager as others here but I listen to advise and experiment.
  18. I think we are going round and round this topic. We discussed it before and seeing among other parameters is a major player. I image quite a lot and a friend of mine 20miles from me can have better or worst seeing than me. I'll give you an example and rest my case. Jupiter taken by the same user, me, the same equipment (don'g forget I am all manual nothing fancy no ADC either), the same location, enough processing experience. Jupiter under bad seeing and under excellent seeing for uk skies. 8" Dob.
  19. Very nice. Excellent processing and good details.
  20. Excellent image and processing. Nice details despite the conditions.
  21. Thanks Stuart. Indeed, better control on focus. I felt that even under bad seeing I was able to focus a bit better. Let's see what I get with Jupiter , if clouds ever clear at night.
  22. I got a new dual speed focuser for my 200P and I test drive it with Venus this lunch time. I found the focusing a lot easier but I still need to work out a few things. Some details on the UV clouds are coming through. False colour UV and IR filters. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mm, 2.5x TV powermate, IR and UV pass filters.
  23. Nice. Try keep the white balance for consistent colour. The last frame seems the sharpest. Worth processing further.
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