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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Thanks. Just a brief 1hr window of no clouds. It's looking ok tonight.
  2. Thanks John. I have been really impressed with the 200P, considering it's cost. I only recently upgraded the focuser, as it had a bit of play in the tube and I couldn't get collimation to be perfect, and it is performing even better now. You have seen my observing reports on nebulas in the past and it's really an excellent telescope.
  3. Thanks Stuart. You know I like pushing it to it's limits 😜. I think the relative altitude helped as well from any bad seeing. Collimation was spot on as well.
  4. Surprisingly no boiling effect but soft focus. You are right about Venus. Venus was awful at 1230 this afternoon. IR was boiling and UV was very soft. I captured one IR video which I haven't even bother to process.
  5. I had a very good session on Uranus this morning and managed to get my best image with the polar hood nicely resolved and several moons. IR capture and false colour. Moons were added as a separate layer so I could brighten them up. 15 minute capture. 8" Dob, manual, asi 462mm, IR pass filter, 2.5xTV powermate.
  6. I did not expect to do any imaging considering the storm we had the day before. Dodging clouds this morning but seeing was ok. It felt like a déjà vu as the last time I was out I imaged the Io transit again at an almost similar orientation. Colour and IR captures. My usual 8" setup.
  7. I do not think you have over done it. GRS is showing some nice details. Resizing to 150% is not realyl supported by the image as it is a bit soft. Under really good seeing I might resize to 120%. Thanks for sharing the data. This is my attempt in Astrosurface and Gimp. Either seeing was not great or focus a bit out.
  8. Very nice. A lot less noisier and the banding on the disc is more prominent. I am not sure when we will be out again 😞.
  9. @Stu or @Mr Spock or @Ibbo! Can either of you move it to the planetary section please?
  10. Very nice images. As Stuart said you might be able to push them a bit more. (They could do with horizontal flipping as it is confusing to see them this way round)
  11. Any opportunities these days are worth taking. It seems the 585 is working nicely for you. Where your Jupiter images with it as well?
  12. Nice capture. Cassini division is nearly all the way around. Nice banding on the planet.
  13. Nice images and very smooth animation.
  14. Thanks. Can you share the link to the calculator please? I don't think I have seen it before.
  15. I like how you always back your argument with a calculation. Very interesting. I used to go for 3 min based on this feature but I was told that the 3 min is way too long for as!3 to handle this dropping to 2min. I haven't done a side by side comparison to see the effect of 2 min vs 3 or 4. I know others are down to 30s to 1min with the new low noise cameras. But based on what you posted it should be doable. We just need some excellent seeing to put in practice.
  16. Nice image. Yes you can get some clouds in colour, very very subtle. In IR too, but not very often. The 462 is awful in UV, hardly any response even with the AR window removed. I know because I tried and the reason I bought the 462 mono.
  17. You might want to check the collimation. Seeing conditions will also affect the quality of the image. For Jupiter 120s max as you have fairly fast planet rotation that will blur things. If you derotate the video then go for Vlaiv's suggestion.
  18. Thanks Stuart. I only got out to capture the transit despite knowing the weather will be bad. We don't seem to get a break.
  19. I finally managed to observe and image a transit in this apparition. Awful seeing due to jetstream but Io's shadow was nice and sharp. I imaged in colour but also in IR that shows Io quite nicely when it is over Jupiter's disc. My usual 8" setup. Captured between 1130 and 1220. I quite like the symmetry of the capture on the last 4 images.
  20. Great capture. If you zoom in at the edge of the moon, you can see the rough edges from its mountains.
  21. Thanks Chris. I tried Uranus too but clouds ruined the capture. Interestingly, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn looked really stable at the eyepiece but during imaging they were very soft. Or maybe the incoming currents were the cause.
  22. Looks much much nicer. My histogram is usually between 50-70 but I am currently experimenting at 95% after some discussion with Geof. I have no ADC so I make sure that all my channels are in the 50-70 range. You can't have all at the same value without the ADC but none should be over 100%.
  23. Thanks. I hope you managed to get everything in without any damage from the rain. UK weather for us.
  24. Yes and the result is this white washed out area: it could either be due to one of the channels being over 100% (I see you do not have an ADC, so your individual RGB channels might cause this) or your contrast you chose in the processing is too much and it is making it washed out.
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