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Everything posted by sporu

  1. for me it would be about 35€, (10€ +1€ for each kg, so 35€ for the 25kg dob) on TS-austria the dob is 389€ so 424€, so FLO's 403€ is a bit cheaper
  2. when I wrote the topic I was only looking at astroshop(very dumb yes), but later I realized that FLO sells it for a lot cheaper(astro 479€ w/o shipping cost, FLO 403€ w/ shipping cost) so I will either buy a good accessory or I will save it for something else. thanks for the info and help! but it is quite weird how FLO can give it for so much cheaper than astroshop
  3. Thanks a lot to everyone that commented! I've spent quite some time trying to decide what I would get, and with some more help and information on the end I think that my best option would be the dob! It's aperture, length and price seem to be the best combination for my start, FLO seems to be giving pretty good prices so I can even afford a add-on or two. (I could even get a 250/1200 if it wasn't for shipping taxes) hopefully the dob will be a good purchase as many others say they are.
  4. I'm new to astronomy and I don't really know what a good telescope would be, my max budget is 480€, does anyone know a good telescope that I could use to look at the planets, moon and take pictures with my phone? Or should I just get a dob? I really want to be able to take photographs but I'm unshure if I should just sacrifice it for a better visual experience. And if so, is this a good option to get? skywatcher dobson telescope n 200/1200 skyliner classic dob https://www.astroshop.eu/telescopes/skywatcher-dobson-telescope-n-200-1200-skyliner-classic-dob/p,4440
  5. Hello! I've been wanting a telescope for quite some time now and I have looked up and learned quite a bit about them, but I still don't know/can't decide which telescope would be best for me. I would like to be able to start with astrophotography, so I would like to be able to see deep space objects, but my budget is max 400€, which I know is quite low for a hobby that some people like to call a hole for money, but I would like to get started somewhere. I've seen a lot of people recommend dobs but I'm unshure about getting one since I'm not very knowlegable about them. currently I'm looking at the "Omegon telescope N 150/750 EQ-4", but I'm unshure on it since its a brand that isn't well known, but im trying to look at european retail locations, so the shipping and tax don't give me an extra 200€ bill. Any opinion on the Omegon telescope or any other recommendation for my first telescope is highly apreactiated.
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