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Posts posted by Proximo

  1. Hey guys, really could use your guidance on this project.

    Let me first make a list of my equipment.

    1. Canon Rebel T3i (unmodified)
    2. Orion 8" Newtonian (1000mm focal length) F5
    3. Altair 50mm Starwave & GPCAM guidecam combo
    4. Regular Orion Skyview Pro mount (no goto)
    5. Orion Polar Alignment Scope
    6. EQStarEQ5 GoTo drive upgrade kit
    7. Omegon 90/500 refractor.

    This is my first imaging rig I'm  attempting to setup. At my first attempt i couldn't get the dslr to focus. So i did some research on this forum and saw a suggestion by one of u experts to move the primary mirror forward. So my plan is to cut my telescope from the back and reposition the primary mirror. This should also make the telescope a fraction lighter seeing that i cant afford to buy a heavy duty mount :sad2: the shipping and handling alone would send me to an early grave. So I'm stuck with the mount my 8" Newtonian came with. The mount is rated at 20lbs and the telescope itself is 20lbs!:angryfire:So Ive made the decision to turn my Orion 8 inch newt into an astrograph. The refractor suffers from chromatic aberration  like there's no tomorrow so its not an option. The only other option i could think of is to purchase a used RedCat if i could find one. Ive already started modifying the Orion. Ive attached 3 cooling fans at the back and Ive purchased a cutoff saw and drill to cut the telescope and reposition the mirror. I would also like to add baffles inside the telescope but have no idea where i could purchase these or how to make them. Ill upload some images of the equipment.

    So the question is, am i missing anything? Forgetting anything? Full steam ahead? Or Abandon ship?

    Any and all suggestions/recommendations & help are welcomed.







  2. 15 hours ago, Ruud said:

          Hi Junare ,


    We are proud that we now have a member of  Antigua! I Checked on Google and it a beautiful island. You must have some nice dark skies too.


    Yes there are very dark skies to the east and south of the island; the milkyway is visible to the naked eye. 

  3. Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I had set the notification to email me whenever u guess replied but i don't see an email lol. But thanks guys. I Really Appreciate it. I will be posting about my plans for the telescope very shortly.


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  4. Greetings everyone. My name's Junare and I hail from a small island in the Caribbean called Antigua 🇦🇬. I'm An amateur astronomer and astrophotographer. I bought my first telescope 6 years ago; an Orion 8" newtonian reflector which I nicknamed Proximo. I realized the best of the best are here on this forum so decided to join and learn from everyone! I'm currently in the process of upgrading Proximo in which I'll detail in another topic.



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