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Posts posted by pgoelz

  1. On 16/08/2020 at 08:25, michael8554 said:

    I believe it's the other way round - Device Hub has replaced POTH


    What I meant was that POTH replaced Device Hub when I installed it.  I am a little fuzzy on what POTH really is because after I installed it, Device Hub was still present in the Start menu.  But Device Hub no longer opened when I clicked it so it would appear to have been uninstalled. 

    However, I have subsequently reinstalled Device Hub because I am also trying to use a Sony a6500 ASCOM camera driver that apparently is not compatible with POTH.  

    FWIW, dynamic braking is a very useful feature for simple DC motor focusers like mine.  It makes the movements much more predictable and actually makes the relative counter in POTH useful.  


  2. On 12/08/2020 at 13:59, cjdawson said:

    Hi Paul.

    Here's my initial responses....

    1. hmmm, that's something I'm going to have to look into.  Not tried the device hub at all myself.  I can't think of a reason why they'd be disabled.  I might have to ask on the developer group what decides if those buttons are enabled or not.

    2. focuser dynamic braking isn't implemented at this time.  I'm using the old 5.0.4 driver as a source of information and it looks like this is a software feature.   It's on to the todo list, but to be frank, I've found that the focuser has been very unreliable in hardware.

    3. I'm going to have to look into that.   I'd love to know where these "static properties" that you are talking about are.  Would be handy to help with checking stuff.


    FWIW, I just discovered POTH 6sp1.... is this an older version of the device hub?  I installed it and it looks like it has replaced the ASCOM Device hub.  In any event, EVERYTHING works correctly and as expected in POTH hub 6sp1 including focuser dynamic braking.  

    The static properties were (I think) a read only display supposedly from (or at least about) the scope somewhere in Device Hub but I can't tell you for sure since Device Hub has been replaced by the POTH hub...... or at least its shortcut is dead (Windows can't find the program any more).  



  3. Hi there, I'm new to this discussion.  I am trying to get my classic 8" LX200 and simple JMI motofocus (plugged into the focus port in the drive base) working over ASCOM with a couple planetarium programs.  While everything sorta works with the standard (old) ASCOM LX200 driver "Meade LX200 Classic and Autostar #494, #495, and #497 (combined telescope/focuser, 5.0.4, May 2013)", there are some serious quirks and I am hopeful your driver will eliminate those quirks.  

    However, when I installed your version 0.7.12 I find it has its own quirks ;)

    1.  Slew buttons in the ASCOM device hub are greyed out and non-responsive.  This is important to me since I was hoping that I could use the device hub to center objects once I perform a GOTO in a planetarium program.  Not sure why this is.  FWIW, they work (briefly) in driver "Meade LX200 Classic and Autostar #494, #495, and #497 (combined telescope/focuser, 5.0.4, May 2013)" but after one use, the hub throws an error and complains that it cannot determine side of pier.  

    2.  There is no way to enable focuser dynamic braking.  This is important for a simple DC focuser.... especially since focus movement settings below a certain point do not result in smaller movements in version 0.7.12.  Dynamic braking works in driver "Meade LX200 Classic and Autostar #494, #495, and #497 (combined telescope/focuser, 5.0.4, May 2013)" but I do not know if dynamic braking is an LX200 function or if the driver issues a brief opposite polarity after a movement.  

    3.  Not sure if it is important, but the site longitude in "static properties" is inverted.... it shows my longitude as -82.xxxx when it is actually +82.xxxx.  Not sure where this comes from but if it is supposed to have been read from the scope, it is displayed correctly in the hand controller display.  

    Thanks for your continuing work here!  Hopefully you can get things working 100% and breathe more life into the venerable LX200.  I stand ready to help in any way I can.  Got nothing else to do ;)


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