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Everything posted by Lexi

  1. Thanks for the tips guys. I think I got rid of the greenish tinge. I also attempted to use the clone stamp tool so remove the line and the dust mote. I definitely need more practice. But overall I'm satisfied, I really appreciate all your help. My eyes have been opened to the power of pixinsight. Hopefully I can get out there soon and image again.
  2. Hi again, So I downloaded a free trial of Pixinsight and followed some tutorials. It took me a couple of days of trial and error to come up with the following result. I also ended up discarding a lot of the pictures I took, leaving me with 45min of stacking. Definitely not on same level as you guys but it's a start. I must say I really like the work flow process in Pixinsight I find it more intuitive than Photoshop. I might get a license when my trial period expires. Regarding the line that looks like a "satellite": I actually found this line on each of the shots. I have no idea what it is... But I will definitely get out there again, this time make sure I get those flats.
  3. I see. And this would be corrected by a coma corrector? I did a quick search and could see advanced types with laser and such and also homemade ones made out of old film cannisters. What would you recommend for a newbie?
  4. Thanks a lot. It looks amazing! I'll try to translate those steps into photoshop. This might be a dumb question but how do you see that there's strong coma on the right side? Is it the kind of distorted shape of the stars?
  5. Wow i think that's quite amazing! I also noticed that satellite trail but i can't really seem to find it in my shots. Guess I need to look closer. Again, very nice processing!
  6. Thanks a lot Carol. I'm checking out your tutorials they're really good. I really should be taking those flats now when i see those dust specks in your processing.
  7. Hi all, So I'm new to astrophotography. I recently tried to image the M51 whirlpool galaxy for the second time (first time around I actually pointed to the right of target and never got anything). My equipment: - Skywatcher 200P - EQ6R pro - Canon eos 800D (modified) I imaged around 60 pictures of 2 min exposure each. I had to discard a couple because I live in Denmark and at this time of the year it never really gets dark, so a couple images were too bright. Total exposure time is then around 1h15min. I took around 18 darks, and 20 bias, but no flats. I stacked in DSS and followed some tutorials to edit in Photoshop. I just can't seem to bring out the colors as I see some other have done. I'm sure it's due to my lack of postprocessing skills and possibly also only around 1h exposure. I'd appreciate it if you guys could give me some tips on both postprocessing and capturing the image. Thank you. Attached my attempt at postprocessing and the stacked (.tiff) picture from DSS. M51_originalStacked.tif
  8. Thank you all for your advice. I will proceed to order one from Juan's page, it's exactly what I was looking for. What is amazing is that you can still use them for daytime photography.
  9. Hi all, I'm new here. I own a skywatcher 200p on an eq5. After many nights of visual observing I'm finally ready to venture into the realm of astrophotography. Ive tried with my smartphone but it's a real hassle in my opinion. So I have decided to invest in a DSLR. But the choices are vast and im unsure of what to buy. I'd just like an all-round camera in which i can take decent planetary and DSO photos. I'd also like to use it for everyday use. Ideally it would have an lcd screen for viewing and recording capabilities. What do you guys use?
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