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Posts posted by StevieD

  1. Hi All,

    Just joined tonight and new to astronomy. I've been a lurker on this site for around 4 weeks, researching the requirements for my first scope just for observatory viewing. I've also been on several "what will i see sites" so i know im not about to compete with the hubble lol. 

    I've narrowed it down to a 10" Dob, either a Sky-Watcher Skyliner 250P Dobsonian or a the FlexTube version:



    I've read a few topics and from what i can conclude the rigid scopes are preferred if you don't have storage issues which i don't and i have an SUV which will easily transport the 250p. Some people are also saying that the flextube might need collimating more often, so is the rigid scope the best buy do you think?

    A few extras im looking to buy:

    Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/premium-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html

    Talrad Finder - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/telrad-finder-astronomy.html

    Am i missing anything like a decent eyepiece or is the above enough for my first glimpse of the moon and close planets? What is a good beginner tracker, the GoTo?




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