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Posts posted by furkin

  1. DAVE:  Cheers.   It was just a flash in my mind as I was typing.   It will not be used to affect my choice yet.

    LOUIS:  Thanks - more to consider.  I will go through all this in a week or two before making my choice.

    Which are the good suppliers here in the UK ?

    I'm still not getting the notifications to my PC.  I've turned On & Off the notify switch - to Noah Vale !

  2. Thanks again guys,

    Don't let my disabilities run your recommendations.  I have to run my life around them.  If I can go out,,,, then I go - if I can't - I don't.

    I'm not housebound, so can go in my tiny back yard,,,, or drive out if need be.

    Is a Refractor or reflector better for a beginner ?

    Steve;  as usual, I missed the lidl item.  I have looked on the Bresser site, and see Spica 130/1000 EQ3.   Looks quite nice.

    Dave;  The Skywatcher item looks a bit odd to me - sorry.  Mind you, there will be tons of stuff out there that looks odd to me - yet.

    Apart from the scope/tripod, what accessories should I be considering ?

    Is there an attachment to clip my new Fuji X-T30 camera to them ? 

    I'm on my desktop PC now, so will see if I get notifications now.

    Hope you are all keeping well.


  3. Many thanks to you all.

    For some reason i'm not receiving notifications of replies to this site.   Yep - I do have the "notify me" button clicked.

    I've downloaded the Stellarium & will make a start at 'gazing'.

    I can usually lift things,,,,,,, once !   I'm in constant pain from the waist down, but as above, just lifting domestic things can be a chore.  

    SCOUSE: Thanks for that.  I do have a tripod (for when I used camcorder) but didn't think my 10x50  would be much good.

    I've just bought a Fuji X-T30 camera, so hope to photograph some good stuff when I get started.

    STEVE:  I did see some stuff in Lidl, but wasn't looking at the time.   

    As usual, there seems to be a big gap between 'crap' and 'entry level' for scopes.   

    I guess my budget is £250,,,,,,,,,, to start with.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

    Any recommendations would need to take into account the level of disability I think, as that will help determine size/weight and accessibility around a tripod, whether a pier setup is more suited than a tripod and so on. Also what are you hoping to see, moon & planets, deeper sky objects etc and if you want to travel with the equipment or use from home. The sky quality where you are will limit some of this, depending on how much light pollution you have.

    As IB20 suggests, a good pair of binoculars and a monopod/tripod may well be a good starting point, as well as perhaps a book like Turn Left at Orion to help find your way around the night sky, then move to a telescope once you've decided to go further.

    Good luck on your journey, it can be a very absorbing hobby and seeing Jupiter and Saturn for the first time is a real thrill :) 

    Thanks Dave,

    A lot of what you asked is answered in other replies.

    I have not been introduced to the hobby, but it's a thing I wanted to try for many years.   I have no idea what to look for at the beginning, nor do I want to 'miss' the beginning,,,, after all it's where we all get the experience in our chosen fields.  

    I'll have a look for the book.

    thanks again

  5. 4 hours ago, johninderby said:

    Welcome to the forum. 🙂

    You might be best starting with either a dobsonian or a smallish scope on an alt-az mount. Much easier for the beginner to get their head round than a GOTO or EQ mount.

    First what is your budget and do you have any idea of what you want to look at. Moon & planets or deep sky etc. or perhaps a bit of everything.

    A few popular scopes.








    Many thanks John,

    I used to go pot-holing in Matlock Bath in the 60's.  Had some great times all over Derby and Derbyshire.   Tried a few caves down here, but there weren't many.

    It'll take a while to go through your list, so will be back later.


  6. 4 hours ago, IB20 said:

    Have you thought about some binoculars and a tripod? Cheaper than a scope, very simple and as I’ve found recently, give really fantastic views of the night sky. 

    Years ago I bought some 20x50 binoculars from a Sunday Paper, but they were too strong for for my land based use,,,, not good enough for the skies.  I sold them to a guy in the Navy, and found they were great for the vast expanses at sea.   I bought a 10x50 set, but again, not good for sky searching.

    Thanks for your reply.

  7. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for getting back.

    My disability is my spinal column is closing in onto my spinal cord.  This is throwing my back and discs out and allowing nerves to get caught in various bone growths etc etc.   I can walk, but only a few feet. I can sometimes get a bag of sugar from the cupboard,,,, but everything pulls on my spine,,,, sometimes I can't walk at all.   I'm in constant pain and on a lot of medication.  This causes other other problems !

    I haven't looked at your kit yet, so will do that now.    A bit out of my range at the moment,,,,,,, but you never know what will happen in the future.   For the time being, I need to be looking for something a bit more to my budget (I nearly said 'something cheaper', but it sounds so crass)

    I used to use the Grapes, and lunched in Kings Head when I was working over there.   I'm an ex builder & civil engineer.


    • Sad 2
  8. Hi guys,

    Complete newbie here - hello.  I hope you are all well.

    I am now disabled and need to keep my hands (& aging brain etc)

    I nearly bought a great condition Seben 76700 from facebook.  I did a quick google which led me here.

    I've now decided to get something better - but what do I start with (rhet).

    When I wanted a decent metal detector, I went for a high end,,,
    When I replaced my camera, I went for a high end mirrorless fuji,,,

    but they are too complicated for my aging brain.

    I have only done a quick search on the subject (kits) but there are too many varied accounts.  

    I decided that this is the only forum I'll use.

    I want something good, that I will understand, and not cost too much - a common question I suppose !

    Any recommendations please, to kick off my quest ?

    I'm in West Cornwall, and the sky's can be quite clear.

    thanks for reading.

    (ADMIN: If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it - Ta)

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