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Status Updates posted by sputniksteve

  1. Hia,

    How are you getting on with the SM127? I've just been looking at your Saturn drawing - which is ace - and am wondering if you are happy with the scope.

    1. procky1845



      Yes it's great thanks, I've had it since Xmas.

      I bought it because my house is in an unfortunate position for the ecliptic so planetary observing from home with my DOB is rarely an option and although I know I could take the DOB out to another site, it's more hassle and found that from experience I typically couldn't be bothered.

      So bought the skymax and a rucksack that would fit it and the mount in and I can be off without too much fuss.

      I bought the one bundled with the AZ GTi mount and tripod but quickly learned it needed a more substantial tripod if you want the go to to work accurately.

      Since then though it's been a cracking little scope. That pic of Saturn was probably the best viewing I've had of it though, I don't typically see that much detail though it's not a planet I've observed loads yet so could have been unlucky on previous occasions.

      Do you have one, or are looking into one?


    2. sputniksteve


      Very much thinking of buying one - also on the AZ-GTi. 

      Years ago I owned a 12" Lightbridge which I foolishly sold in 2014. I loved it, but it was too big to easily get in and out of the garage and I could only take it to places with it taking up all the passenger space. 

      I want to get back into the hobby properly this autumn.

    3. procky1845


      It's a good scope for planetary and lunar, also quite able with double stars. You can see some of the brighter DSO's but wouldn't say it's a particularly strong point, and I'm sure nothing in comparison to a 12" lightbridge! 😃

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